NOTE: If a volunteer has not been a resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, but obtained their FBI certification at any time since establishing residency, they must provide a copy of the certification to the person responsible for the selection of volunteers and they are not required to obtain any additional FBI certifications. I am already volunteering. When do I need to obtain the required certifications by? If you were approved as a volunteer before August 25, 2015, and do not have certifications (because you previously were not required to obtain certifications) you have until July 1, 2016, to obtain your certifications. If you were approved as a volunteer before August 25, 2015, and you have certifications because your organization required one or all of them and your certifications are older than 60 months, you also have until July 1, 2016, to obtain your certifications. If you were approved as a volunteer before August 25, 2015, and you have certifications because your organization required one or all of them and your certifications are less 60 months, you have until 60 months from the date of your oldest certification to renew your certifications and to obtain any certifications now required that you may not been previously required to obtain (i.e. if your organization required the Child Abuse certification, but not the PSP certification, when your Child Abuse certification expires based on the 60 month cycle, you would naturally add in any of the other required certifications). Are there requirements for volunteers to obtain a free Child Abuse and PSP certification? Yes. In order for the fee to be waived for the Child Abuse and PSP certifications the following conditions must be met: (1) The certifications are required as a condition to volunteer. (2) The certifications may not be used for employment or any other purpose. (3) The certifications shall only be provided free of charge to a volunteer once every 57 months. (4) The volunteer swears or affirms, in writing, under penalty of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities), the following: (i) The certifications are required as a condition to volunteer. (ii) The volunteer has not received background certifications free of charge within the previous 57 months. (iii) The volunteer understands that the certifications shall not be valid or used for any other purpose.
I am a new volunteer. When do I need to request a child abuse history certification? Beginning August 25, 2015, all new volunteers must submit certifications prior to the commencement of service.
How often do I need to renew my certifications? Beginning August 25, 2015, all volunteers will be required to obtain certifications every 60
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