Tasmanian Hospitality Review - June/July 2024

Great Customer Experience Program

GCE North-West

colours are some of the best in the world, along with a glow worm display and, if you are really lucky, you can spot a freshwater crayfish, platypus or eel in the stream that still runs through the cave today.

It seems Gena was getting in touch with her inner child in the past month, visiting some fun venues on the north-west coast. First stop was Pedal Buggies Tasmania, where she caught up with Dallas Page, owner and operator of since 2004. Located in Ulverstone right beside the Ulverstone Waterslide and beach, they offer a variety of pedal buggies to hire. Something that really jumped out to Gena was that they can cater for visitors that use a wheelchair! After Gena completed the GCE Business Health Check, Dallas said “it wouldn’t be right creating our staff’s Venue Awareness Session without having a go on the different buggies!” So, after Gena went though some business support tools on offer to Dallas… it was time to have some FUN and remind Gena just how unfit she was!!!

Last, but certainly not least…. it was time to cross the Leven River in Gunns Plains and head around to Wing’s Wildlife Park. Gena is no stranger to the wildlife park, spending the last eight years managing the family business, but it was nice to visit and catch up with some of her old furry and feathered friends. It wasn’t all play though. Some work had to be done, and it was the perfect time to complete a GCE Business Health Check with business owner, founder and mum, Megan Wing. Colin and Megan Wing founded the wildlife park back in 1986, so this was Gena’s backyard and where she spent most of her time growing up as a kid. They have over 150 different species on display. You can hand feed trout, have some bone crunching fun watching the Tasmanian devils get fed lunch at 2pm and mingle with marmosets or meerkats. And like all kids and some adults too, after that big day, Gena was ready to head home for a nap and think about where the Great Customer Experience program would take her tomorrow!

Next stop was the Gunns Plains Cave - time to head inland. The day Gena visited Tasmania was experiencing strong winds and rain, but the fun fact is it doesn’t matter what it is like above ground! The weather is always the same underground at the caves. So down into the darkness Geoff and Ben Deer led Gena to discover the magic! Since it was a little too dark underground to complete the GCE Business Health Check, back up into the warm office they headed. Ben has just returned home to help out with the family business after spending time in the Northern Territory tour guiding. Gena remembers visiting the caves as a kid and leading the odd tour herself when her pop’s twin brother (Des Wing) was the lessor and guide from 1966 to 1991. The cave was discovered in 1906 by Bill Woodhouse during a hunting trip. It has been used as a show cave for most of the 20th century and is still operating today with a strong brand that is known and respected worldwide! Its magnificent formations and shawl

30 Tasmanian Hospitality Review June/July Edition

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