• Supportive Measures : are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the parties to restore or preserve access to the College’s education program or activity, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the College’s educational environment, and/or deter Prohibited Conduct. • Title IX Coordinator (TIXC) : official designated by the College to ensure compliance with Title IX. This official also serves as the Civil Rights Compliance Officer and ADA/504 Coordinator for the College. The TIXC has the primary responsibility for coordinating the College’s efforts related to the intake, investigation, resolution, and implementation of supportive measures to stop, remediate, and prevent Prohibited Conduct. The TIXC acts with independence and authority free from bias and conflicts of interest. The TIXC oversees all resolutions under this Procedure. • Title IX/Sexual Harassment Offenses : an umbrella term that refers to and includes the offenses which constitute Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Stalking, Dating Violence, and Domestic Violence. IV. P ROHIBITED C ONDUCT Conduct prohibited by College policies and reportable under this Procedure includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Discrimination 2. Discriminatory Harassment 3. Bullying 4. Hazing 5. Intimidation 6. Title IX/Sexual Harassment Offenses 7. Retaliation 8. Not Honoring the College’s established attendance procedure for pregnant students and pregnancy- related conditions, which is further detailed in Section V. 9. Denial of reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. 10. Denial of reasonable accommodations for pregnant students or employees. 11. Romantic Relationships in the workplace or within the educational environment that violate the requirements set forth in Board Policy II.02: Unlawful Harassment . This Procedure does not apply to grade-related disputes or other complaints of an academic nature that fall within the scope of the College’s Academic Complaint Policy, with the exception of the following: 1. Complaints that allege that an academic decision was determined as a result of discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of actual or perceived membership in a protected class; 2. Complaints that allege that an individual was denied participation in an academic
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