
The ability of the College to take disciplinary action against a Respondent may be limited if the Respondent is no longer a member of the College community at the time of the report or at the time the resolution and/or investigatory process is initiated or completed. If the Respondent is a staff member, faculty member or student and leaves the College while an investigation is pending, the Respondent will not be permitted to return to the College until the report or complaint has been resolved through this Procedure. Any individual, including a third party, who has experienced, witnessed or become aware of conduct prohibited by this Procedure can submit a report or file a complaint. A. Online and Anonymous Reporting CCAC maintains an online reporting system to receive complaints of Prohibited Conduct, including reported incidents of Title IX/Sexual Harassment Offenses. The Civil Rights/Title IX Incident Report Form can be accessed from the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion page on the College’s website and from the MyCCAC portal. Please note that the Civil Rights/Title IX Incident Report Form can also be used to submit an anonymous report; however, the College’s ability to address misconduct reported anonymouslymay be limited. All reports electronically submitted using the Civil Rights/Title IX Incident Report Form will be sent directly to the TIXC, and access to the report will be limited to the TIXC and/or other officials expressly authorized by the College to investigate and respond to reports and complaints received under this Procedure. No individual having access to data submitted through the College’s online reporting system may share or disseminate such information to any other person except to the extent authorized by this Procedure or required by law. B. Internal Reporting Options Reports can also be submitted, verbally or in writing, to any of the offices and/or officials listed below. If the report falls under Process A/Title IX (Sexual Harassment), then a formal written and signed complaint will be required. If the Reporter or Complainant does not want to submit a written statement, the TIXC or their designee can prepare a statement of facts for approval by the Reporter or Complainant. A Civil Rights Violation Complaint Form is available for filing a formal complaint and for providing written statements ( Appendix A ). Students: Any student (credit or non-credit) can report Prohibited Conduct directly to the TIXC. Students can also report violations to any of the Officials with Authority (OWA) listed below without fear of retaliation. Employees/Volunteers: Any employee (faculty, staff or administrator) or volunteer can report Prohibited Conduct directly to the TIXC, the Civil Rights Investigator, the Vice President of Human Resources, the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources (contact information listed below) and/or to the employee’s direct supervisor without fear of retaliation.


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