
COMPLIANCE WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIREMENTS All individuals entering CCAC buildings and facilities are required to comply with social distancing instructions and guidelines in place in that building or facility, or as otherwise communicated by the College through its public website, employee intranet, course syllabi, student handbooks, RAVE alert system or signs posted in College buildings and facilities. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, complying with posted capacity limitations for elevators, restrooms, classrooms and other work and learning spaces; entering and leaving CCAC buildings and facilities through designated entrances; adhering to the general requirement to maintain six feet of distance between yourself and other individuals to the fullest extent possible; wearing a mask or face covering where and when required; regularly washing hands; coughing or sneezing into your elbow; utilizing provided hand sanitizers; and using provided sanitizing wipes to wipe down equipment and surfaces that may be used or touched by others. The College has, to the fullest extent possible, marked off areas in common areas, lobbies, classrooms and other frequently utilized areas where individuals should stand or wait in order to maintain six feet of distance. Desks, study carols, lounge/eating areas, computer stations, open lab equipment and other study and learning areas have also been moved, taped off or marked for non-use in order to maintain appropriate social distancing. Modification or removal of social distancing signs, tape and markings, as well as the alteration or movement of seating or working areas is prohibited. SELF-SCREENING FOR CV19 SYMPTOMS All students, employees, contractors, visitors and guests are required to review the CCAC Self-Screening Questions prior to entering CCAC buildings and facilities. The Self-Screening Questions will be posted on the myCCAC portal and may be adjusted as circumstances require. Individuals who answer “yes” to any of the questions on the form, or who otherwise feel sick or suspect that they may have been exposed to CV19, should stay home, and are not permitted to come to a CCAC building or facility until their symptoms have resolved, they have received a negative CV19 test or received clearance from a health care provider that they are not at risk of transmitting CV19 to others, or have completed any recommended period of self-quarantine. Individuals returning from out-of-state travel, including to areas experiencing a spike or surge in cases of CV19, may also be subject to a period of self-quarantine or required to provide adequate proof that they have tested negative for CV19 prior to returning to work or campus. Any individual who exhibits symptoms commonly associated with CV19, or who otherwise provides information to College personnel which indicates that that individual may have been exposed to or contracted CV19, will be directed to leave the premises and not return until their symptoms have resolved and/or they have received clearance from a health care provider that they are not at risk of transmitting CV19 to others. As conditions warrant or as may be required by applicable authorities, CCAC may conduct temperature or other health screenings of individuals prior to entering CCAC buildings and facilities. Individuals who do not consent to such screenings, if required, will not be permitted entrance and required to leave the premises. USE OF MASKS, FACE COVERINGS AND OTHER APPROVED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Public health officials, including the CDC, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Allegheny County Health Department, all strongly recommend the use of face masks while in public settings to prevent the spread and transmission of CV19. Due to the fact that an individual can be infected with the disease without showing symptoms, as well as transmit it to others while asymptomatic, health authorities stress that the most effective means to prevent transmission of the disease is for all individuals sharing a common space to utilize a mask.


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