King's Business - 1922-01

Acceptable Books —New Year Presentation Getting Things From God By Dr. Chas. A . Blanchard. George Muller of Bristol By A . T. Pierson.

If you care for a book that will riot only be food for your soul while being read, but will also result in a very definite deepening and broad­ ening of your prayer life, this is the book to read, re-read and then pass on to your friends. Price (paper) $ .75 (cloth ) 1.25 The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life B y Hannah W hitall Smith. It may be that your Christian life has not been all that you think it should have been. If so by all means, get this book and give if careful reading. It is THE CLASSIC of the Victorious Life and will do you a world of good. Price $ 1.00 The Revival At Broad Lane By Kate Drew. Miss Drew has provided a really charming book for home reading. It is a story series of wonderful mis­ sion services. When the Spirit of God lays hold of an individual or community, miracles are wrought, and this story is a recital of iriira* cles. Price $1.51) One Thousand Miles of Miracles in China By Archibald F. Glover This is a book entirely out of the ordinary. It is a marvelous 372 pages of missionary romance, un­ excelled in history. The reading of it draws forth many tears, many prayers, and many praises. Price $1.25

Sometimes we need something to give more faith in God and especial ly faith in His Word. Under such conditions we know of no book that will better repay you for reading. It is a wonderful story of a wonder­ ful man, told in a wonderful way. and it will do your soul untold good. Don’t delay ordering. Price $2.5 3 “ In Christ Jesus 99 The Sphere of the Believer’s Life. By Dr. A . T. Pierson This book contains a series of “Key Note” studies in the Pauline Epistles. The phrase “ In Christ Jesus” being the central theme of each study. If you like a good Biblical interpretation that is filled with real soul food, buy this book. Price $1.0 i The Master’s Indwelling By Andrew Murray. If you would like to know the secret of the comforting presence, the indwelling personality, and the power of the Holy Spirit, this is the one book that you need most to read. Better order it today. Price $. 75 With Christ in the School of Prayer By Andrew Murray.

Shows that power with God is the highest attainment of the life of full abiding. A book that is well known, and deserves its popularity among earnest Christians. Price $ 1.00 If books are to be sent by mail add 10% for postage unless otherwise specified. Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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