King's Business - 1922-01

The Best” Books

—Bible Study Classes Now is the time to begin planning for your New Year Bible Classes. You will be wanting new material for use this year New books for class study. New books for references on the subjects being taught. We are glad to submit the following sug­ gestions. First of all we wish to recommend a few good books that should be in the possession of every Bible Student and Christian Worker. Teachers of Bible Classes will find them especially helpful. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Knowing the Scriptures By Dr. A . T. Pierson

This work presents fifty rules and methods of Bible study which the author ha« tried, illustrated by suf­ ficient examples to make the prin­ ciples plain and obvious. The book will be found instructive in all three departments of homiletics, hermen­ eutics and apologetic. Price $1.50 All About the Bible By Sydney Collett It would be hard to find a greater amount of information and argu­ ment packed into the same com­ pass than is presented by the writer of this book. He not only takes up the origin, language, translation, cannon inspiration, errors, etc., of the Bible, but many question® which have been raised concerning it, and gives well digested answers. Should be in every family library. Price $1.50 Matthew Henry's Commentary This well known commentary, written by Matthew Henry on his knees— not only prayed over but prayed through-—is again obtain­ able after being out of print for several years. It is not only a. scholarly Exposition of the Scrip­ tures but is filled with rich soul food a« well. Substantially bound volumes. Price $17.50 1 0 % for postage unless otherwise

Traces every word of text of the common English version, and every occurrence of each word; together with a Comparative Concordance to the Authorized and Revised Ver­ sions. Also brief dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek words of the original, and references to the Eng­ lish words. Price $7.50 Fausset’s Critical and Expository Bible Cyclopaedia A compact storehouse of Scrip­ tural information. More than a Bible Dictionary, yet containing the substance of most that is valuable in other dictionaries. Many sub­ jects which other Bible dictionaries omit» and which are of deep inter­ est, are most satisfactorily handled; as for instance Anti-Christ, the Millennium, Inspiration Number in Scripture, Divination, etc. The re­ sult of Archeological discoveries aré embodied as far as they have bearing on the truth of the Scrip­ ture. Contains index of texts treated, and over 600 illustrations. 754 pages. Cloth bound.

, Price $3.00 If books are to be sent by mail add specified. “ ■ ' Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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