King's Business - 1922-01

The “Best” —Bible Study Classes Many classes will want to take up a definite intensive study of the Life of Christ. For all such classes we recommend the following books as being most helpful. The Two of Jesus , By J.: C. Stillion The Greater Life and Work of Christ

By Alex. Patterson This book is different from any other Life of Christ in that it takes up in a very exhaustive way the pre-incarnate history of Christ and proves from Scripture the identity of Jehovah of the Old Testament with Jesus the Christ of the New Testament The earthly life of the Christ incarnate, His present med­ iatorial work and His coming again are also adequately dealt with. This is a book every Bible student needs. It makes an excellent text book for class study. Price $1.25 The Two Babylons By Alexander Hislop This is one of the strongest a r­ raignments of the Church of Rome that we have ever seen. The author brings a great wealth of evidence to prove that the Papal worship of to­ day is not different from the w or­ ship of Nimrod and his wife in Anc­ ient Babylon. The book is a veri­ table Encyclopedia of historical ma­ terial concerning the worship of the Roman Church. Price (cloth^ $2.50 The Christ We Forget By P. Whitwell W ilson

No one ever need be puzzled over the two genealogies if they have this book for reference. In it you will find both genealogies carefully ex ­ amined, all the light of Scriptures being thrown upon them— their points of agreement noted and the reason given— their points of disagreement are also pointed out and thoroughly explained. Price 25c The Life of Christ \3y R ev. James Stalker If you are not using Stalker 3 Life of Christ do not wait a day be­ fore ordering it. This is essentially the student’s book— only 162 pages, but they are written in Dr. Stalker s luminous style; every word counts. The paragraphs are numbered for quick reference, and a synopsis of contents precedes each chapter. Dr. Stalker says in the revised edition that the book “has been translated into more languages, European and Asiatic, than the author can remem­ ber.** s Price 90c

Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord By Dr. R. A . Torrey

This book is without doubt the best aid to Bible study in the life of the Saviour that has ever been written. It is formed as to make the student do his own searching of the word, and one who has gone through this book thoroughly will have a splendid knowledge of the Life of our Lord. Price $ 2.00 If books are to be sent by mail add 10% for postage unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. In terms that Are essentially up to date, yet always absolutely rever­ ent, the author has written this work so that, “Men of today’* wiu respect his presentation. His com­ ments are often remarkably striking in their character. Price $2.00

Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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