King's Business - 1922-01

—Bible Study Classes For those who have had advantages of some introductory Bible Study, we recommend the following:

Through My Bible Chapter by Chapter

A Guide to Bible Study By H arry E. Richards

These books «end the student di­ rectly to the Bible and give him a real stimulus for the study, a feel­ ing that he is getting somewhere bj' exercising his own brains, making his own discoveries, not reading those of authors. They do not dis­ tract by any embarrassment of out­ side material, for there is none; it is all careful, thoughtful, definite Bible study. They are books for the real student. Advanced course, 384 pages. Price (cloth ) $2.00 Synthetic Bible Studies By James M. Gray ‘The author avoids as much as possible any mechanical analysis, and the lessons he gives are larger ones drawn from the whole section rather than those taken from the exposition of single texts.*’ Price $1.75 A course of study in the books of the New Testament which ex­ amines the contents., argument, and purposes of each, prefaced by a general introduction to the Testa­ ment as a whole. Dr. Ross has pre­ pared a volume which can be used by the individual student as well as by classes and study groups. His method is simple, direct, yet com­ prehensive. Price $1.75 Thinking Through the New Testament By J. J. Ross

By Keith L. Brooks This book was gotten up for those who want to make a thor­ ough, systematic study of the Bible. It is not a text book although it does contain complete instructions for its use. It is a ruled blank book with spaces for the student to indi­ cate their findings on each chapter, such as leading lessons, promises, conditions to promises, principle characters mentioned, strong verses, how Christ is seen, how the Holy Spirit is presented* etc. A valu­ able method of study, compelling the student to work out important facts for himself. Price (stiff paper) 35c For use in c o n n e c tip n w ith the a b o v e w e re c o m m e n d as b e in g v e r y h e lp fu l: # A complete summary of the en­ tire Bible;, chapter by chapter. Each chapter is analyzed separately under Contents, Character», Key Words, Strong Verses, Striking Facts, How Christ is seen. In ad­ dition there is an alphabetical in­ dex to the most important Bible events; and index to the precious promises of the Bible; and a sched­ ule for reading the Bible through in a year. Price (paper) $1.25 The Summarized Bible By Keith L. Brooks

If books are to be sent by mail add 10% for postage unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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