King's Business - 1922-01


The Importance and Value o f Proper Bible Study By Dr. R . A . Torrey This volum e contains the gist o f Dr. T orrey’s ineth- ods o f Bible study. In three chapters, “ The Im- portance and Value o f Bible Study,” “ How to Properly Study the Bible,” and “ How to Interpret the Bible So A s to Find Its True Meaning,” the em i­ nent Bible scholar and evangelist tells in' simple language how he thinks the Bible should be read, studied and interpreted so that the great truths o f Christianity may be clearly understood. Bible readers and Christian teachers will find this work a very help­ ful first aid in the use of the Scriptures. Cloth $1.00

m Price

In the Secret Place By Dr. W . B. Percival There a r e books on prayer, some good, some better— but is it not true that in many instances a f­ ter reading one o f these books you lay it down with the feeling that it has not met your need? Every chapter o f “ In the Secret Place” evidences to you that the author has fre­ quented' that secret place and there prayed through. Y ou will be convinced too that the truths brought forth have been inwrought into his own personal life’s experience. This book is not a w eighty theological discussion on prayer, but' is a book that will help deepen the prayer life of every man and woman who reads it. It will not only deepen the prayer life but through that will broaden and enrich t h e whole Christian experience. (Paper) 6 Cc; (cloth ) $1.00

to Close Out

We have about 500 copies of “ The Christ­ mas Star” By W inifred Rouzee that we wish to dispose o f at once, and in order to do so we will have to sell you any number o f copies o f the thirty cent edition at ten cents each, or the sixty cent edition at twenty cents. • This book takes up the astronom ical aspect o f the Heavens at our Saviour’s birth and proves scientifi­ cally and conclusively the truth o f the Scriptures re­ garding the CHRISTMAS STAR. A new angle on this subject instructive, en­ tertaining, and interesting. Gift edition, heavy paper, cover in four colors with chart ___ 4 ......l..i....l 0 c De Luxe edition, A rt stock covers, a frontispiece and chart ..................... 20 c

Loose Leaf B ib le

The authorized version of the Bible in Loose-leaf form and over 250 L oose-Leaf Pages for personal notes that can be inserted in any number o f pages, between any pages o f the Bible. Another Achievem ent in the Making o f Bibles This Loose-L eaf Bible is stronger and m ore flexible than an ordinary Bible; is printed from black-face type, on India Paper; is self-pro­ nouncing and contains references; is convenient to handle, measuring only 6x7% in ch es, and is one inch thick. The Loose-Leaf Feature is a simple device that anyone can use and there are no parts to get out of order. Bound in Genuine M orocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges. Send for descriptive Circular.

Ju s t P u b lish e d

$ 10.00

Has the Appearance of a Regular Divinity Circuit Bible


Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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