King's Business - 1922-01

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The first preaching of the cross is in Gen. 3:21, the first prophecy of the cross in Gen. 3:15, and the first per­ secution for the cross in Gen. 4. God prescribed hard work for man in his fallen state. Many an evil desire passes away in the energy of hard work. The devil uses idle hands his Vfork to do. The first recorded sin was against God. The second recorded sin was against man (Gen. 4). If there is no fear of God in the hearts of men, there will be no respect for the rights of fel­ low men. Where did Cain get his wife? Under favorable circumstances population will double in twenty-five years. Cain was 128 years old when he was married. At the end of the first twelve years after the creation of Adam and Eve, there were at least seven pairs on earth. This would mean 11,970 persons by the time

Cain was'' married and if half of the number were females, Cain would have had a wide selection. Note that Gen. 4:16, 17 does not state that Cain got his wife in the land of Nod. Cf. Matt. 1:25, the same expression. gAfp ■ TRYING THE SPIRITS One reason why Charles Dickens never became a spiritualist was because he once attended a seance and asked the medium to call up his friend, Lindley Murray, a man who was a great scholar and highly intelligent. When the supposed spirit came Dickens asked him if he were really Lindley Murray and the spirit replied, “ I are.” “ You are a liar,” said Dickens, “ because if you were Lindley Murray you would use good grammar.”


A STRAIGHTFORWARD APPEAL Y “Apology” in the November issue of The King’s Business has been acknowledged in a practical and substantial way by a number of our readers, for which—on behalf of the magazine— I express my deep gratitude. I am now taking occasion in this number, which will reach you about December 1st, to urge EVERY READER, if possible, to set aside One Dollar and Two Cents as a Christmas present for some relative or friend or pastor or evangelist or missionary or other Chris­ tian worker. I wish I could speak face to face with every one of you and tell you of some of the marvellous results that might come from such a gift. For instance, don’t you wish you had been responsible for sending The King’s Business to the pastor who just wrote us as follows: “I did not renew m y subscription when it ran out about a yea r ago. I fe lt th a t you w ere too radical, and th at the evils of w hich you spoke as e x istin g w ithin and w ith o u t the church did exist in a m easure, but th a t God would ‘turn all th in gs out for good.’ “I realize now th a t m y view s were w ron g. I have given The K in g ’s Business articles more stu d y, and find th ey contain real Gospel teachings and I am sure th e y please God. He w ill turn a ll th in gs out for good if we, as H is disciples,, on ly g e t the vision th a t w e are H is instrum ents, and th a t it is through us He m ust carry out H is plans and purposes after He endows us w ith the stren gth and power. “M y prayers are for your g re a t w ork and m ay The K in g ’s Business open the eyes of m any of -God’s w orkers as it has opened m ine to true sad truth th a t w e are lo sin g our hold on God in our effort to hold both the worAd and God. I am enclosing check for another year’s subscription.” This clear man’s own heart has been stirred, his congregation has been helped, and because of this, untold blessings may come to untold numbers. Try it.


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