King's Business - 1922-01



-Is it any wonder then, dear friends, that we ask you to pray with us for a mighty revival to sweep into the hearts of these men? With over twenty-two meetings a week in full swing, we a- gain appeal to those who will join us in prayer to drop us a line that we might send you specific requests for “The entrance of th y words g'ivetli ligh t; it g iveth understanding to the simple.” H E do not always realize how much the Word of God has done for us as a nation nor ap­ preciate the fact that“ millions in the United States have had the opportunity of learning about God’s Word, while people in other lands have not had this privilege. While the Bible Society has sent its agents into nearly every part of Latin America, not many have received the Word of God because the priest-craft has intimidated the people, threatening them with excom­ munication from the Church, if they read it. Is it any wonder that when we offer a Mexican a Gospel or some Scripture portion he gladly accepts it and reads it with much interest? Quick and Powerful. Recently one of the student helpers gave two Gospels of John to a couple of Mexicans. On the return of the student, two weeks later, both of these Mexicans wanted more of the Scrip­ tures to read. The student said, “Why do you want more Scripture when you have not received the Lord?” They both answered, “ We have read the Gos­ pel of John three times and have re­ ceived the Lord as our Saviour.” Thus “ the Word of God is quick and power­ ful.” We are indeed happy that we have such a Word to give to these de­ luded people. It seems to us that God SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.

has given us as a nation a great respons­ ibility, as well as the opportunity to place in the hands of our neighbors who have come within our borders, the living Word of God. In our midst they nave not the same dread or fear which they entertain for their priest when in Mexico. Here is an example. While we were preaching at a camp recently, several women, as well as the men, gathered while we sang and gave the message. Later they went to a woman in the town who is a sort of adviser or leader and told her that they listened to a Protestant preacher and asked if she thought they should confess it to the priest. This woman, a strong Catholic, told them it was not necessary to confess it to the priest. One of our women students is visiting her every week and seeking to win her for Jesus. We believe if we can get some of these leaders converted, they in turn can in­ fluence others, so we covet your prayers for these who have recently accepted Christ and for those who are willing to listen, that God by His Spirit may work in their hearts. Another young man with whom we have been talking, said he could not ac­ cept the Lord for fear that he would offend his parents. He felt he was bound to obey them instead of God. This attitude, of course, is the result of the training he has received. We asked him to accept a Gospel, but he re­ fused to take it, saying that his mother might find it, and it would cause severe trouble in the home. At our last Monthly Meeting in the Bible Institute we had the pleasure of baptizing three Spanish women who have shown proof of the new life through our Lord Jesus Christ. We praise God for His continued blessing upon the work and we ask that your interest and prayers for us continue.

PRAISE FOR THE PRESS The saying is: "Don’t wait until a man puts on his wooden over­ coat before you give him your word of appreciation." It is our custom each year, to publicly acknowledge the good service given the editors by the BIOLA PRESS. From Havermale, Van Dyke and Challis. on down the line, we have had the most courteous treatment through all the year, and our every suggestion for the typographical im­ provement of The King’s Business has been promptly carried out. The dress that this magazine wears helps to make it go, and so we give credit where it is due, and wish all the BIOLA PRESS force the tip-top blessings of the season. MANAGING EDITOR.

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