BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly o f Interest to Friends and Students
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is helping in the Bible women's work with high school girls, while her husband a t tends scnool at the Institute. Rev. H. J. Lorenz. '21, was ordained to the m inistry at Jenks, Oklahoma, and has been called to the pastorate of the First Baptist church there. N. J. Barnes, *19, has been holding a successful revival at Ferndale, Wash. Rev. Robert Kay is pastor of a church at H illsboro, Oregon. Rev. Chas. Nethery, ‘18, is now located at Kent, Wash., as pastor of the First Baptist church. Jesse E. Brown, ‘17, is attending the Baptist Theological Seminary at Kansas City, Kansas. Miss Hazel Hawley, '21, is w orking as missionary to the Mexicans at San Pedro, Calif. Mrs. Walter Hume (nee Josephine Can- tonw ine), ’20, is one of the Institute Bible women, teaching five Bible classes a w.eek. Miss Helen White, ’20, is secretary to Mr. Foster, Student Secretary o f the In stitute. Miss Mabel Barnhouse, ’13, is home on furlough from Bogota, Columbia, South America. Miss Teresa Walker, ’20, has been busy at the Fort Mojave Indian School, Arizona, having had experience both in class room and hospital. She says: “There is no doctor at the present time and I feel the responsibility so I ask for your prayers that the Lord will guide in caring for His needy ones.” Glen W ight, ’20, is attending the Uni versity of Redlands, Calif. Orval K irk, ’18, now in the Belgian Congo, was married in November to Miss Michelson. The young people met at the Home Base in Brooklyn shortly before goin g out to the field. George McGee, ’18, also in the Belgian Congo, was married in April to Miss Ped- die. Miss Elsie E. Hammarlund, ’17, w rites: “I accepted the position of Secretary in the John 3:16 Bible School (San D iego) about four or five weeks ago. I have been down here three weeks. I am glad God opened the way for me to enter the w ork as I am enjoying it very much.” This school is conducted by Frank Stanley, '17,
STUDENTS—Kindly communicate with Miss Elfreda Stein , B. /., the compiler o f these notes. The Bible Institute has at present the largest enrollment in its history, over 600 day students having registered. The follow in g former students are tak ing the third year course: Misses Belle Crain, Florence Pike, Mrs. Josephine Ly- barger; Messrs. J. Baergen, F. E. Diem, R. S. Dunham, A. F. Faucette, C. B. Fuller, A. Gillis, C. A. Goin, R. J. Gomes, C. S. Kim, D. J. Kleinsasser, J, Koehler, C. H. Pearson, Joseph Sanders, C. B. Sheldon, Brooks Smith, H. O. Smuckal, Herbert Wahl, C. H. Weir, and E. S. W illiamson. The follow ing note of commendation of Dr. Torrey and his work is taken from Dr. W. B. R iley’s paper, “ Christian Funda mentals” : “Dr. Reuben A. Torrey, Dean of the Los Angeles Bible School, is a man to be appreciated for his intellectual and scholarly ability; and one who cannot well be despised by the rationalists o f the day. He is a Yale graduate and has given his life to earnest study. He has not special ized in language nor made a hobby of a single science nor gone daffy over some new philosophy, but is an all-round scholar. As a preacher of power, as, a surpassing polem ic as an intellectual .force he has few equals and far few er superiors. No man since Moody’s day has moved the Old W orld as Torrey did. In America he has played most con spic uous roles and at this w riting his in fluence is felt in China where through all the summer months he has been address ing great assemblies of English speaking people, encouraging the hearts of ortho dox m issionaries and giving anxiety to skeptical modernists.” Miss Ellen Hoffman, ’20, left October 31st for Bolivia, to take up missionary w ork under the Bolivia Indian Mission. Miss Leona Thoering, ’20, sailed from Vancouver, October 13th, for China, to w ork under the China Inland Mission. She writes that Eph. 3:20 has surely been fulfilled in her experience. Miss Ellen Parker, ’15, sailed October 10th for Ecuador, under the Christian and Missionary Alliance Board. Mrs. A. Howarton (nee Pearl Callis) ’16,
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