King's Business - 1922-01

H O M I L E T I C A L HE L P S Suggestive Bible Readings Divine Healing “ The Church in Acts”

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Chapter 1. The PROGRAM of the Church.— Witness. (1:8, 10, 11; 15:14). 2. The BIRTH of the Church.— Pentecost. (1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27), 3. The MISSION of the C h u r ch - Give. (3 :6 ; cf. 20:35; Luke 6:,38). 4. The MESSAGE of the Church.— Salvation only thru Christ. (4:12), 5. The DISCIPLINE of the Church.— Judgment of sin. (5:5, 10, 11). 6. The GOVERNMENT o f t h e Church,—Order (6:1-4; 1 Cor. 14:40). 7. The DEFENSE and WEAPON of the Church.—God’s Word. (1 Cor. 10:4). 8. The TRANSITION of the Church. —Divine Providences. (8:1-4; Rom. 8:28; Phil. 1:12). 9. The BLESSING of the Church.— , Prosperity and Power. Terse 31. 10. The PERSONNEL of the Church. —Jew and Gentile. (Gal. 3"28; Col. 3:11). 11. The PROBLEM of the Church.— Law and Grace. The NAME of the Church.— , Christian.—Verse 26. 12. The POWER of the Church.— Prayer. (12 :5). 13-28. The MISSIONARY VISION of the Church.—T h e Whole World. Paul M. Cell,

A Summary of Facts and Principles 1. Does God heal today? Yes (Heb. 13:8). 2. Does God always heal? No (2 Cor. 12:9). 3. What are the conditions for heal­ ing? (a) That it is God’s will to do so. (b) That we are right with Him to receive it. 4. How does God deliver in sick­ ness? (a) By removal of it. (b) By strengthening to bear it (1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Cor. 12:9). 5. Does God ever use means? Yes (Isa. 38:21; .John 9:6, 11; Acts 19:11, 12;' 1 Tim. 5:23; Jas. 5:14). 6. What is the right attitude of the believer in sickness? (1) To say, “ It is here,”— face the fact. (2) To ask, “Why is it here?” Is it through nat-. ural neglect, or spiritual chastisement (Heb. 12:6), or to manifest the works of God (John 9 :3 )? Ask, “ Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” Means or no means— “ Thy will be done.” 7. What is the wrong attitude of the believer in sickness? (1) That ot “ Christian Science,” which says sick­ ness does not exist, and tries to ignore it. (2) That which excludes God from the case— for all that comes to the be­ liever, who is in His will, happens by God’s permission (Prov. 3:5, 6). (3) That which says we must always take means and shuts out the possibility o: God healing apart from means. (4) That which says we must never use means; for God, who has provided such, may have many purposes to fulfil for His glory and our good in requiring us to use such.

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