King's Business - 1922-01

^TtieChosenPeople,4ieLandanddieBook Notes Concerning tke Jews and Propkecy RE-LOCKING PALESTINE.

lem by wealthy Jews, and flourishing Jewish colonies were founded by Zion­ ists— the richest close to Jaffa—with­ out exciting the local tribes. It is now hazardous to land a Jew at Jaffa even under military protection, and further influx of Jews is either prohibited or placed under restriction. Clearly there are forces at work to defeat, the return of the Jews to Palestine and to revive the long rivalries between France and England in the new and middle East. Between religious and political jeal­ ousies and antipathies the formation of a National Home for the Jews in Pales­ tine is proving more difficult than any one anticipated Sir Andrew Wingate continues, “ It seemed so natural an act of justice, so simple a way to help a cruelly oppressed people, that the whole world applauded. Then the opponents of the policy got to work, and their machinations and rage can only be met by the prayers of God’s faithful servants who be­ lieve in His written Word. Not only is there this political change developing in Palestine— and no better or juster man than Sir Herbert Samuel could be found . to deai with— but a spiritual change seems to have begun among the Zionists. It may be that tribulation is bringing the Jews to recognize that they neeql a Deliverer. As soon as Jonah in his affliction renounced his obstinacy and remembered the Name of Jehovah he was delivered.” THE PROTOCOLS. The London Times (Daily) has been exposing the forgery which had been perpetrated by the circulation of the alleged Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion. It is said that the truth about this deliberately misleading document

We take the following concerning re­ cent developments in Palestine from the English paper, “ Life of Faith.” To the September issue of the maga­ zine of the British Jews Society, Sir Andrew Wingate contributes an able article on “ Thè Re-Locking of Pales­ tine.” Beginning with the statement that in 1917 a brilliant prospect daz­ zled Jewish eyes, when Great Britain proclaimed a National Home for the Jews in Palestine, Sir Andrew goes on to say that recent intelligence from Palestine indicates that storm clouds are shadowing the sunny prospect, and that the situation compels serious at­ tention. “ Mr. Balfour’s statements,” we are told, “ quickly roused anti- Semitic agitation, which represented the Jews in Europe as engaged in a con­ tinuing conspiracy to secure world-wide power by diabolical methods. To place such a race in Palestine was a sacrilege and a public peril. The enemies of the Jews have been the Roman and the Greek Churches. Russia for the mo­ ment is inert, hut we can understand that it is galling to the Vatican that the land considered holy by Christen­ dom should he placed even in a very limited degree in the keeping of Jews. To the Pope it is still more intolerable that a Protestant Power, hated Britain, should he dominant in the Holy Land. Pro-German and disappointed of a triumphant Austria, he has promptly sought reconciliation with France. Is his treatment of Belgium forgotten?” Further, “ Palestinian Arabs are being fiercely stirred up against the Jews. Under the Turks no. such hatred was exhibited. A considerable Jewish popu- lataion was settled years ago in Jerusa­

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