King's Business - 1922-01



came by way of an indication from Constantinople, although the source of what proves to be an extraordinarily unskilful piece of plagiarism was all the while available at the British Museum. The “ Protocols” may he traced in Mau­ rice Joly’s “ Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu,” and it was, assuredly, a mean piece of work that this forgotten book should have been dismembered and contorted, and put into malevolent guise in order to satisfy the animosity of a group of political schemers. “ The supposed Jewish world-plot exists only in the dis­ ordered imagination of some who are deficient in ability to meet Jewish en­ terprise on fair terms.” says the Times. w? sfe A PUNCTURE FOR POST-MTLliEN- NIAJj CRITICS We take pleasure in giving the follow­ ing item sent to us by Mrs. D. L. Spoon­ er, Church Secretary of the Baptist Tabernacle, Atlanta, Ga. “ The Baptist Tabernacle of Atlanta, Georgia, sends to the Atlanta Associa­ tion a report covering the past twelve months. This report shows a total of $51,000 raised for current expenses and benevolence with 470 additions to the church. The average attendance of the Sunday School for this period was 1541 per Sunday. In addition to this a lot costing $40,000 has been purchased on which a Young People’s Building will be erected in the near future. The Pastor, John W. Ham, has just rounded out four years of in­ tense activity during which time 1280 have been received into the church fel­ lowship with a grand total of $240,000 being raised for all purposes. The future is bright and enthusiasm pre­ vails throughout the Church life.” Pass it on to our Post-millennial friends who live in such fear that the Pre-millennial doctrine will wreck the church and rob the Word of His mes­ sage.


A Talk



1 liii[iiiuiiiiiiiiiiii]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinhi]iii]niiiii;iimiiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiii]iHiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiuHiiiiiiiiiimiil A Young Man’s Objections. I once had a conversation with a group of young men on the subject of the inspiration of the Bible. Most of them opposed me. I reminded them of the numerous propheeies in the Oid Testament concerning the Messiah, which were literally fulfilled in Christ. One of them was sharp enough to see the force of this argument and he admitted that these prophecies were undoubtedly written hundreds of years before Christ was born, and that He fulfilled them in every detail, but he endeavored to parry its force by advanc­ ing the theory that Christ had inten­ tionally planned His actions in accord­ ance with the Messianic programme in order to establish His religion, so that there was, after all, nothing very won­ derful in the fact that these prophecies were fulfilled. This sounded very neat and ingenious, but I asked my friend to explain to us how Christ, in accordance with this theory was able to arrange to be born in the very village— one of the small­ est in Judea— where the prophet Micah foretold that the Eternal One should be born on earth. I asked him what pre­ cautions He had taken, if a man as we are, to ensure being born at the very time and in the very family that the Scriptures haa forecast. My friend was not inclined to surrender his posi­ tion without a struggle, so he contended that Jesus, seeing that He happened to be born in this particular village at this particular time, and in this particu­ lar family, had been seized with the idea of carrying out the remaining de­ tails requisite to establish His Messianic claims.

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