King's Business - 1922-01

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S (v. 22) and bring us to know God’s Word (v. 24; Ps. 119:50).—Brooks.


ing Elijah what £ e thought the living God could do in such a case. Again and again the Lord tests His people in this fashion that He may bring out all that is in tneir heart.—Haldeman. Handful o f meal. How strange that a widow with only a handful of meal should be commanded to offer hospital­ ity. This is the surprising way of the Lord. He delights to hang great weights on slender wires, to have great events turn on seeming trifles and to make poverty the minister of the inde­ scribable riches of Christ.— Jowett. We may eat and die. , Unbelief always puts circumstances between the soul and God. Faith puts God between.—,C. H. M. v. 13. Fear not. This is God’s first word to one who begins to sink. There are 365 “ Fear nots” in the Bible, one for each day in the year.—Garry. Make me first. Our barrels waste because ws refuse to share what there is in them (Prov. 3:9, 10; 2 Cor. 9 :8).— S. & W. To share with the needy what God has given us, is the way to have a bottom­ less barrel and a stopperless bottle (Matt. 14:18).— Sel. v. 15. Eat many days. And her bar­ rel would have been empty by nightfall liad she not obeyed God.— Bennett. Went and did. May it not be that Eli­ jah was sent to learn from the minis­ trations of a kind Sidonian woman, to whose care his life was due, some ink­ ling of those truths which Christ re­ vealed so many centuries afterward when He visited this very coast of-Tyre and Sidon and extended His mercy to the great faith pf the Syro-Phoenician woman? May not Elijah have been meant to learn what had to be taught by experience to the great apostles, that not every Baal worshipper was neces­ sarily corrupt or wholly insincere— that God is no respecter of persons?— Exp. Bible. v. 16. Wasted not. Living from hand to mouth is all right if it is from God’s hand to our mouths. Each day’s need will be supplied if we truly de­ pend upon Him.— Sel. v. 17. Sickness was sore. One may often look for sharp testing afflictions when they begin to walk in God’s ways. •—Davis. v. 18. My sin. When God is brought near to us, we become conscious of sin (Luke 5 :8 ).— Price. v. 22. He revived. Testings bring out our sins (v. 18), reveal God’s power

Pictorial Questions Where is Tishbe, the home of Elijah? Who was Ahab? Over which king­ dom did he rule? Did Ahab rule over Tishbe? Where was Gilead? LESSON Who were t h e s e QUESTIONS “ sojourners” ? R e a d W. H. Pike Judges 12:4-6. Where is the Brook Cherith? Into what did it flow? Was Cherith a smooth placid stream or a rushing mountain stream? Who was to feed Elijah at Cherith? Where was the court of Ahab lo­ cated? Read I Kings 18:46. What was the name of the Phoeni­ cian princess Ahab married? Why was Elijah sent to Ahab’s court? Where was Elijah when God told him to go to Zarephath? At whose home did Elijah stay in Zarephath? What was the difficulty Elijah met in this home? Why was there scarcity of food in the country? What did Elijah do in this home? In how many different localities is Elijah seen in this lesson? Where was Zarephath of Sidon? Does God supply a Christian’s need today in a miraculous way? Is there a divine supply for every need in human life? Has scarcity of food in a land any relation to the people’s attitude toward God? Does it pay to entertain men of God in your homes? Are you willing to put God’s portion first?

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