King's Business - 1922-01

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S with the fire of the Holy Spirit when the fierce winds of the world had blown it out.— People’s Bible. v. 42. Pace between his knees. The prayer that opened heaven after three and a half years of drought had seven notable characteristics. It was based upon the promises of God. It was earnest. It was humble. It was defi­ nite. It was full of expectant faith. It was persevering. It was abundantly answered.— Parr. v. 44. A little cloud. Great bless­ ings arise from very small beginnings. — Palmer. v. 46. Elijah ran before Ahab. It was customary for kings to have run­ ners before their chariots. It was a most proper service for Elijah to ren­ der for it tended to strengthen the fa­ vorable Impression made on the heart of Ahab and furnished the answer to the cavils of Jezebel. It showed that he who was so zealous in the service of the Lord was at the same time devoted­ ly loyal to the king.— Brown. a » Pictorial Questions How long had the drought contin­ ued? What did Ahab purpose to do? Who was Obadiah? What did Ahab ask LESSON Obadiah to do? QUESTIONS Who was Jezebel? W. H. Pike I Kings 16:31. What did she do? How did Obadiah save some of the Prophets of God? How did Obadiah act when Elijah met him? What did Elijah ask Obadiah to do? What did Ahab say when Elijah met him? What was Elijah’s answer to Ahab? What did Elijah ask Ahab to do? Where is Mt. Carme.? Who gathered there? How many . Priests of Baal were there? What is Baal Worship? I Kings 14: 24. What was the first item on Mt. Car­ mel’s program? Who was master spokesman?


What did the Priests of Baal do? Who was with Elijah? What did Elijah and his helper do? What did Elijah command to be done after the altar was built and the wood upon it? How did Elijah pray? How did God answer Elijah’s prayer? What did the people say when God manifested Himself? What fearful order did Elijah com­ mand? What did Elijah do after God an­ swered his prayer? How many times did Elijah ask the lad to look at the sky? What did Elijah command the lad to do? What did Elijah do? How far was it from Carmel to Jez- reel? About 18 miles. Practical Questions Why did this drought come upon Ahab’s Kingdom? Did Ahab do the right thing to re­ move the famine? What should: Ahab have done to bring back God’s temporal blessings? Was Obadiah in a back slidden con­ dition? Ought he to have concealed his wor­ ship of Jehovah? Which do you think the ideal servant of God, Obadiah or Elijah, and why? What causes Elijah to he fearless in meeting Ahab while Obadiah was full of fear? Is it wrong for a believer in Christ to marry an unbeliever? II Cor. 6:14. Did the union of Ahab and Jezebel result in good to the nation? Was it right to kill the prophets of Baal? How do you reconcile killing with the commandment, “ Thou shalt not kill” ? Is there a lawful punishment of sin by death?

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