King's Business - 1922-01


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

every creature? The Gospel is not social service. He never says so. It is not simply-altering the physical conditions of men; good as that is. The Gospel is all of that, and more; it is the impartation of the life of God Him­ self through His Word, and the Church as a whole must awake to this fact or there is no hope for our land or for the sorrowing, suffering world. We are glad to quote the closing words of this great cosmopolitan daily, referring to conditions in Great Britain: “ This thing will happen in the United States one of these days. We hope it will happen before the situation grows as critical and as dangerous here as it has become in England. But sooner or later we will discover, as the business men across the Atlantic are discovering, that it is mere waste of time and energy to attempt to solve our human problems,— social, political or industrial,— by other methods than those which are in harmony with God’s standards as revealed in the teaching and life of His greatest interpreter, Jesus Christ.” —T. C. H. RELIGIOUS REDS A recent dispatch from London states that the British Government is awakening to the peril of the plot of the Beds to upset the governments of the world. It is sorrowfully sad to have to wake up when one is having a nice, cozy slumber, and especially so for a great nation,—but the fires are burn­ ing in India and Afghanistan, with some smoke in Ireland. Poor Russia that promised so many promising things is pretty well burned up. We are glad that England is shaking off the sheets and getting on her feet. Let us pray for her. But there is another set of Reds right here in our own land—Religious Reds—rampant in their determination to overthrow God’s written law and demand that it no longer be regarded as inerrant. These Reds flaunt the banner of Modernism in the midst of the churches and -with devilish effront­ ery demand the right to change the interpretation of God’s holy Word to suit themselves. They are blasting against the very foundations of our religious faith. They cannot change the Bible any more than they can change any of God’s unchangeable laws, but they can undermine faith .and set the poor people adrift without chart or compass. The devil is at the bottom of both of these Red Movements. He is a. Red devil, and a ready devil, and he uses any kind of an instrument he can find, whether it be a rampant anarchist obsessed with a desire to rule or ruin, or a pulpiteer or professor with little brains and lamentable brag and conceit. Pity these poor, radical leaders. May God have mercy on them and change their unsound minds. But God pity more the poor, de­ luded followers who swallow the poison of the pit as readily as do the people of Russia. Pray, brethren, pray! T. C. H, CONCERNING DECEIVING CONCEPTIONS The theme for a recent Sunday sermon by a noted Congregational preacher, with a large following, was “ New Bible Conceptions.” We get a little tired of following these adventurers who prate and

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