King's Business - 1922-01

73 both, but God held Ahab equally guilty because he permitted his name and hie signature to be used in carrying out the plan. Pilate could not wash from his hands the stains of the blood of Jesus Christ, and today it is a current phrase, “ Cruci­ fied by Pontius Pilate.” Ahab crucified every holy principle in his covetous desires and paid the penalty. We must all learn the lesson of disciplining our desires, holding them in check and subservient to the laws of God and the laws of life. We must also recognize what is so plainly shown in this story,— God’s law of righteous retribution. Men cannot trifle with God’s holy laws. The story of Cain; of Ahab, and Jezebel; of the Jews who cried, ”His blood be upon us and upon our children,”— all are written for our admonition. “ Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” PRACTICAL POINTS. (1) No soul can be satisfied which is swayed fig covetousness. (2 ) . Scripture stories are more start­ ling than fiction. (3) Who would think of looking for misery in the midst of luxury? (4) A man may march to a martyr’s death singing the songs of praise, if his heart is right with God. (5) The greatest crime of the ages was the crucifixion of Christ, which was legalized by Herod. (6) Jezebel secured the judges of Is­ rael to assist her in committing a dastardly deed. (7) The appearance of Elijah appalled Ahab. (8) Naboth’s vineyard became the vestibule of the abyss to Ahab. (9) Your sin may not be found out, but it will find you out.

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S announced in order to create a fear of a dreadful calamity, to avert an impend­ ing doom and to ferret out the offender. Naboth headed the convocation. False Witnesses were prepared and at the ap­ pointed time they swore that Naboth had blasphemed Jehovah and the king The murder was accomplished by ston­ ing, the bodies were left for dogs and vultures and the coveted property went to the king. Jezebel took delight in carrying the news to the king. To her it was an in­ cident only, but with God it was the sealing of her doom. (4) THE CONDEMNATION OF A- HAB, vs, 17-24. We have a picture of Ahab walking in. his newly acquired vineyard, of God looking down upon him and sending the prophet Elijah to pronounce his doom. God keeps books and the record is never erased. “ Vengeance is mine; I will re­ pay, saith the Lord.” Conscience is awake: “ Hast thou found me, O mine enemy?” “ I have found thee,” and the reason is given “ because thou hast sold thyself to. work evil in the sight of the Lord.” Ahab trembied under the fiery denun­ ciations of Elijah. Like a thunder­ bolt from a clear sky came the words of doom. Ahab, Jezebei and the seven­ ty children of Ahab,— all to pay the price of the sins of the parents. Read the story of the slaughter in the tenth chapter of 2- Kings. Retribution was rendered to the very letter. It is no easy task for the teacher or preacher to warn of the judgments for sin, and such rebukes and reproofs are always attended by the hatred of thè guilty. Jeremiah found his bed in a miry pit. Isaiah was sawn asunder. Christ was crucified by His enemies be- . cause of His scathing rebuke of the sins of the Jews of His day, and because of His holy life. Jezebel planned the murder of Na-

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