King's Business - 1922-01



saying as did Ruth’s, “ Entreat me not to leave thee. * * * Thy God shall be my God.” The sons of the prophets testify to the fact that Elijah is to be taken away (v. 5) but Elisha does not heed them: “ Hold your peace.” Trials only increase his deep purpose. He will cleave to his master while his master lives. So the two prophets turn their backs upon Jericho. Elijah is not now walking in the weakness of the flesh as when he went to Horeb, but in the power of God. (2) THE PASSING OP JORDAN v. 8. The two men press on. We are re­ minded of the two on their way to Em- maus,-—what fellowship, what commun­ ion, what burning hearts! They come to the brink of Jordan (death, judg­ ment). It is the Valley of the Shadow. There is no bridge, no ford, but it must be crossed. Will the Unseen One who has walked w'th them, open the way? There is no ark now (Josh. 3:15-17) but there is faith. Elijah had his mantle as Moses had his rod (Ex. 4:21, 22). It was a sign of office. He rolls it up and strikes the water. He puts his foot in by faith, and, step by step, they cross. By faith, Elisha followed where Elijah led. As one foot was taken out, another was put in, a step at a time. Contrast this with the way in which God parted the waters in Josh. 3:17. All power is given to Jesus. He di­ vides all waters. He crumbles all mountains. We may safely follow Him wherever He leads. (3) PLEADING FOR THE BLESS­ ING, vs. 9, 10. Jordan is passed. The borders of Is­ rael are forsaken. The land of The Law is left behind. It is no longer “ Tarry here,” but “ What shall I do for you?” Until Jordan is passed Elisha is on pro bation. Now he quietly asks for a great gift, a double portion, (Deut. 21: 17).

is to be God’s man he must be definitely set apart unto Him. Here Elijah urges Elisha to tarry. He is testing him. Every follower of the Lord must be tested as to his pur­ pose and faithfulness. Will Elisha tar­ ry? Listen to his answer: “ As the Lord liveth (that is, by the eternity of God and the immortality of the soul and body) I will not leave thee.” Thus Simon Peter answered, John 6: 67, 68. “Then said Jesns unto ihe tw elve, W ill y e also go aw a y f Then Simon P eter answered him, to r« , to whom shall we g o t thou hast the words o f eternal life.” The next experience is at Bethel (house of God), (Gen 28:13, 15). As Gilgal typifiea separation, so Bethel testifies to God’s unchanging faithful­ ness,— the two great branches of faith. Here Jacob had his vision and saw Jesus, in type, as the only means of ac­ cess to God, (John 14:6). But here, also, the golden calf had been set up. Even the house of God may become a place of idol worship. Yet there are some prophets there and they seek to. inform Elisha. Perhaps Elijah tarried to instruct them and give them some words of exhortation. But Elisha will not tarry at Bethel. He must go on for Elijah goes on. They come to Jericho, where the power of the enemy was manifest in barring Israel from the land and where’ also the power of God was manifest in breaking the walls. Jericho had been cursed and man had rebuilt it to his own destruction, (1 Ki. 16:34). It was a pleasant place, and there were sons of the prophets there also. The theo­ logical seminary at Jericho was akin to some in our own day. They did not be­ lieve in the ascension of Elijah, and many of our present day theologians do not believe in the physical resurrection of our Lord. They are not willing to go all the way with the Word of God. But Elijah must go on, and if he goes on, Elisha must go on. His soul is

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