King's Business - 1922-01


THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S not to seek to be like other, men, but like Christ. It is this purpose of heart, this devo­ tion to Christ, this determination to go all the way, this heart desire for the best, this craving for the enduement of the Spirit, and this willingness to pay the price, that qualifies the children of God for spiritual service. The double portion of the glorified Christ is the heritage of the church. “And I w ill pray the F ath er, and he shall g iv e you another com forter, that he m ay abide w ith yon forever; E ven the Spirit of truth ; whom the w orld cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither fcnoweth him ; but ye kn ow him ; for he dw elleth w ith you, and shall he in you.’* All power is given unto Christ (Matt 28:18), and rhe double portion is for us if we will receive it and if we are willing to use it for His glory. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) It is enough for the disciple that he be as his Master. (2) The manner of a man’s departure is with his Maker. (3) No man will be refused the bless­ ing who puts “ I must have it” into his petition. (4) Men will profit much from associ­ ation with God’s prophet. (5) The poor prophet had nothing to leave but a man’s mantle, but he left it to a hungry man. (6) The disciples who saw Christ go, were the ones who saw the Spirit come. (7) There are no limitations with God, “ Ask what ye will.” (8) “ If thou see me.” Power is in proportion to the vision. v. 1. Would take up Elijah. Not by death but translate him, body and spirit, to heaven as Enoch was, only causing him to undergo such a change as would be necessary to COMMENTS FROM the qualifying of MANY SOURCES him to be an in- Keith L. Brooks "habitant of the world of spirits, and such as those shall undergo who will be caught up alive at Christ’s com­ ing. It is not for us to say why God

‘‘B ut he shall ackn ow ledge the son of the hated for the first born, by g iv in g him a double portion o f a ll that he h ath; for he is the beginn ing of his stren gth ; the righ t o f the first born is his.” Elisha coveted the best gift, (1 Cor. 12:31). Jesus has promised, (John 14:14). “I f ye sh all ask an y thin g in m y name, I w ill do it.” Elisha asked a hard thing,— not hard for God to bestow, but hard for Elisha to receive. The life of Elijah had been such a hard, pilgrim life (yet blessed) • how could Elisha want to share it? Only faith could want the pilgrim’s por­ tion. Elijah puts the final test, “ If thou see me.” They go on their way. Nothing could distract Elisha’s attention. His eyes were riveted on Elijah. Sudden­ ly, there comes a mighty gust of wind, and in a moment, “ the twinkling of an eye,” Elijah is parted from him, but Elisha sees him. He cries in the ful­ ness of his faith. “ My father!” Elijah had been a man of fire, in deeds and words. Fire is a type of judgment. Elijah was a prophet of judgment. His translation was a fit­ ting termination to an eventful life. How God loved him! Only three trans­ lations are recorded in Scripture,— Enoch, Elijah, Christ. Enoch proph­ esied of the coming of the Lord. Moses and Elijah, on the Mount of Transfigu­ ration, are a type of the sleeping and waking saints, (1 Thess. 4:13-18). Elijah is to come again before the day of the Lord, (Mai. 4:5)'. (4) THE PROPHET’S PORTION, vs 11-13. Elijah’s mantle drops and Elisha takes it up. The mantle is a symbol of the man,— his character, spirit. The spirit of Elijah has fallen on Elisha. He is to be God’s representative, and in the power and spirit of that life of faith which had been Elijah’s, he takes up his ministry.— Jordan is crossed; mira­ cles are wrought. God’s servants differ. Elisha follow­ ed Elijah, yet how different! Men are

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