King's Business - 1922-01

EDITORIAL AFTERTHOUGHTS HE old soldier of General Lee was not far wrong when he opposed having a “ choir al­ cove” back of the pulpit on the ground that it was a “ had

field from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The sixteen-inch guns used by our navy cost $256,000 each-. The actual cost of firing one shot is $2,250, not counting pay for the gun crew. The eost of one shot would support 34 na­ tive colporteurs with Dr. Keller’s work in China for one year. A grand jury convening recently at Atlanta, Ga., after investigation of cer­ tain conditions in the city, issued a plea to mothers and fathers of, the city to reestablish the family altars as the only means of solving the serious moral problems of the day. This was a most unusual suggestion to be contained in a grand jury presentment but it’s the gospel truth. m One man got sick of the higher criti­ cism found in the pages of the Chicago “ Baptist” and ordered the paper stop­ ped because he did not want his children contaminated with such effusions. The editor published a sarcastic reply, stat­ ing that he hoped this man was as exacting in the case of the daily papers. The daily papers are bad enough, it is true, but they do not pose as Bible de­ fenders and ask their support from lovers of that Book. Brother W. 3. Cole well says: “ We do not dread the rattle-snake so much; he is a gentle­ manly snake, as he generally sounds warning of his presence, and like the grizzly, give him half a chance and he gets out of the way. It is the fer-de- lance that hides under the luscious fruit, and without warning, strikes 'a deadly blow.” n The first Mohammedan mosque, in the United States was recently opened at Detroit and i3 in charge of Dr. Mufti Muhammed Sahiz, B. Phil,, F.P.C., F.C., Ghron., D. LLT., A.S.B., M.R.A.S., of India. The mosque, which cost about $50,000 to build, was a gift to the church from Mohammed Karoub, form­ erly a laborer in a Detroit auto factory, who has made large sums of money and is now many times a millionaire. There

plan to let the enemy get in the rear.” The wife of a man who had enlisted in the navy handed the pastor' of a church the following note: “ Peter Bowers, having gone to sea, his wife de­ sires the prayers of the congregation for his safety.” The minister glanced over it hurriedly and announced: “ Peter Bowers, having gone to see his wife, desires the prayers of the congre­ gation for his safety.” W i We’ve heard of a good Scotchman who was trying to rent two small rooms at the present prices. His lease was read over to him and he replied, “ I will not sign that; I haven’t been able tae keep ten commandments for a man­ sion in heaven, an’ I’m no guan tae tackle aboot a hundred for twa rooms and a kitchenette.” m Word now comes from Paris that Dr. Geley, a noted Spiritualist, has succeed­ ed in taking snapshots of the hands and feet of certain spirits. They do not re­ semble those of the medium who aided the investigator but are vastly differ­ ent in size and form. It is hoped that in the near future the bashful spirits will condescend to allow their whole bodies to be photographed, giving us also some proof that they are not in business to make money off the credu­ lous. tls An article in Collier’s by a former crook says that criminals are now more dangerous than ever because they have become sober as a result of prohibition. Some of our preachers thought the devil was located in the saloon, but they will soon find that he is located in the hu- . man heart, for which there is but one effectual cure. In forty years, 51 missionaries have gone out from Colgate Seminary, 112 from Newton Seminary and 116 from Rochester Seminary. In ten years, 150 missionaries have gone to the foreign

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