
“With the help and guidance of Western Growers Assurance Trust, D’Arrigo California is able to educate and inform our employees about the resources available to them and are confident that we will provide the best possible care to our family of employees.” – John D’Arrigo President, CEO, Chairman of the Board D’Arrigo California


HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS Staying Healthy Together.

NEW WELLNESS PROGRAMS: Digital Diabetic Blood Sugar Testing Platform: PinnacleRx Solutions has created a new digital diabetic blood sugar testing platform to provide significant cost savings to all plans at the cost of the meter and ongoing supplies. Additionally, each blood sugar reading is sent to a single data portal that allows clinical staff to monitor the patient proactively. Uplift – Overcoming Depression. To meet the increasing needs of mental health care management, Pinnacle Health Management has created and launched a new health management program. This curriculum-based supportive program is open to all members of the Trust through Pinnacle Health Management. It consists of a 12-month period of guided education and phone calls with continued support after the first year.

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