B Inside Cover — November 9 - 22, 2012 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Horan, Sentner, Leone, & Bilyak receive Everest Award Colliers Int’l.|Pittsburgh principals recognized
GREP announces “Best of Show” Award Careers In 2 Years recognized by NEDA
READING, PA — Greater Reading Economic Part- nership (GREP) is pleased
category, Superior, Excellent and Merit. The “Best of Show” award is given to one entry annually across all categories, making this award especially prestigious. This award will be presented at the NEDA Annual Conference on October 29, 2012 in Harford, CT. “We are honored to receive this award for this very impor- tant workforce development marketing campaign. Be- cause this is reviewed by our economic development peers, this reaffirms our focus and direction on this initiative in Greater Reading, PA.” Aaron Costenbader , marketing co- ordinator of Greater Reading Economic Partnership. The NEDA organization has been providing profes- sional development educa- tion, resources, support and networking opportunities to its members since 1956. The organization which hosts an annual Literature & Promo- tions Competition is made up of more than 500 professionals from the economic develop- ment industry across eleven of the northeastern states as well as Washington DC. ■ TPD’s Construction Ser- vices Team has successfully completed many projects, with an array of clients, ranging from local munici- palities to county govern- ments to state agencies. TPD’s Team possesses vast knowledge of transportation construction inspection, having worked on struc- ture, roadway, sidewalk, trail, traffic signal, ADAand streetscape projects. ■ tion System (CDS Next- Gen).
ITTSBURGH, PA — Founding principals Paul Horan , Patrick
to announce the Careers In 2 Years c a m p a i g n was award- ed “Best of S h o w ” b y the North- e a s t e r n E c o n om i c Developers Association (NEDA) .
Sentner SIOR , and Bill Leone SIOR , and principal, John Bilyak SIOR, CCIM of Colliers International | Pittsburgh , have been recognized with the Everest Award for top performance in 2012. The Everest Award achieve- ment is bestowed upon the top 10% of all Colliers Inter- national agents in the U.S. and recognizes top producers in each market based on per- formance in 2012. The awards were presented during the Colliers International Na- STATECOLLEGE,PA — Al- exander Building Construc- tion Co. , State College Area School District and Schrader Group Architecture, LLC received Honorable Mention in the 2012 Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) Project of the Year Award in the K-12 Construction over $20 mil- lion category for the Phase I construction and renovation of two State College Area School District elementary schools. Alexander Building Construc- tion was presented with this honor during the Industry Rec- ognition Banquet on Tuesday, October 23rd at the CMAA’s National Conference & Trade Show at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers. The Butz Family of Com- panies consisting of Alexan- der, Alvin H. Butz, Inc. , and Shoemaker Construction Co. , have won 21 CMAA Na- tional and Mid-Atlantic Chap- ter awards in the last 15 years. PHILADELPHIA, PA — EwingCole announces that two of the firm’s healthcare projects have each won awards in ENR’s Best Projects of the Mid-Atlantic program and in the AIAPhiladelphia Design Awards program. The AIA awards were bestowed on Oct 10; the ENR awards will be given at a Baltimore reception on December 11. “The diverse criteria of the AIA and ENR reflect the de- sign and engineering excel- lence that we aspire to as an integrated A/E/I firm,” said
Paul Horan
Patrick Sentner Bill Leone
John Bilyak
Gregg Broujos , managing di- rector & founding principal at Colliers International | Pitts- burgh. “More importantly, we remain confident that we are better positioned to success- fully handle our client’s real estate needs locally, nationally and internationally, as part of the Colliers family.” ■
tional Meeting in San Diego, CA, which hosted more than 1,300 attendees during the three day event held October 3rd – 5th in San Diego, CA. “We are very proud to have a number of the top produc- ers at Colliers International | Pittsburgh recognized as Everest Award winners,” said
Aaron Costenbader
Entries for the NEDA 2012 Annual Literature & Promo- tions Competition were ac- cepted from all members of the economic development indus- try and were judged on design and layout, clarity of message, production quality, functional- ity and overall creativity and impact. Careers In 2Years was recognized as “Best of Show” by a panel of judges which in- cluded economic development and marketing professionals from throughout the NEDA territory. Each entry has four poten- tial levels of recognition with- in a category: Best in Class which is awarded once in each POTTSTOWN, PA – Traffic Planning and De- sign, Inc. (TPD) is pleased to announce the addition of Michael Goodman . Mike brings over 22 years of construction inspection ex- perience to TPD. Mike has NICET Level III certifica- tion in Highway Construc- tion as well as PennDOT Concrete and Bituminous Field Testing Technician Certifications. Mike is also proficient in PennDOT’s Construction Documenta- PHILADELPHIA, PA — Dermody Properties wel- comes a new Partner, Eugene A. Preston , to the Dermody Properties Team. Gene is based in the Eastern Region office in Philadelphia. He is responsible for all land and building acquisitions, build- to-suit projects, development
Alexander Bldg. Construction & Schrader Grp. Architecture receive honorable mention
Experienced construction inspector Goodman joins TPD
Ferguson Township Elementary School
Alexander Building Construc- tion Co.’s sister company, Alvin H. Butz, Inc. also won a 2012 CMAA Project Achievement Award in the Higher Education Project Under $20 million cat- egory for the construction of the Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building. State College Area School District’s Phase I project con- sisted of construction of a new 59,956 s/f Mount Nittany El- ementary School and a partially new, partially renovated 64,500 s/f Ferguson Township Elemen-
tary School. “I’m pleased to receive hon- orable mention in the CMAA Project of the Year Award pro- gram for our role in providing the State College Area School District with new and enhanced learning facilities,” says Chris- topher S. Magent, PhD, LEED AP , general manager of the State College office for Alexander Building Construc- tion Co., and business develop- ment and strategic initiatives director for the Butz Family of Companies. ■
PHILADELPHIA, PA - Pennoni Associates , an ENR Top 100 engineering, design, and consulting firm headquar- tered in Philadelphia, announc- es that The Zweig Letter has ranked the firm 56 on its annual Hot Firm List, an improvement from last year ’s ranking of 57. This current ranking is the highest the firm has ever received. ■ Pennoni improves ranking on Hot Firm List activities and asset manage- ment in the eastern United States. In addition to directing efforts in eastern Pennsylva- nia, Savannah, Georgia and southern New Jersey, Gene will spearhead additional de- velopment in new markets throughout the eastern region of the nation. ■ Dermody Properties names new partner
EwingCole healthcare projects honored by ENR and AIA
Pocono Medical Center
Mark Hebden, AIA , presi- dent of EwingCole. The winning projects are the Dale & Frances Hughes Can- cer Center at Pocono Medical
Center in East Stroudsburg, PA, and the Phase 2 Pavilion of the Kent Campus Expansion at Bayhealth Medical Center in Dover, DE. ■
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