
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — November 9 - 22, 2012 — A


M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal Company offers site assessment & water resources svcs. Liberty Environmental, Inc. purchases AES in Lancaster

They wrote the policy.

We make sure they write the check.


ancaster, PA — Lib- erty Environmental Inc. announced the ac-

for a seamless transfer in client relations, the present team of environmental professionals at AES will join Liberty and the existing office at 480 New Holland Ave. Suite 8203 in Lancaster will be maintained. In addition to the site as- sessment and water resourc- es services offered by AES, Liberty offers expertise in air quality management, regula- tory compliance, and envi- ronmental engineering with a proven record of success in managing environmental challenges and sensitive

compliance concerns. “Through the acquisition of the AES assets we gain a healthy portfolio of clients, talented staff and a great office location. We’re excited to build our presence as a trusted advi- sor for environmental affairs in central Pennsylvania”, said James Cinelli, P.E., BCEE , principal. The purchase brings the total number of employees at Liberty Environmental, Inc. to 26 and expands upon current office locations in Reading, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. n to finance this loan through a local bank. Financing was based on a 5-year term and a 30-year amortization schedule. “The existing lender was unable to reach the borrow- er’s desired proceeds and we were able to introduce a new lender who was comfortable with both the property and borrower principal,” said Cohen. n The MDE will be holding public hearings concerning the proposed revisions to the General Permit on Novem- ber 26 and 30, 2012. n Jim Cinelli is a regis- tered professional en- gineer in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, and New York, and a Board certified environmental engineer. n

quisition of the assets of Alternative E n v i r o n - mental So- lutions, Inc. (AES) . The pur - chase affords Liberty the

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James Cinelli

opportunity to expand relation- ships in the central Pennsylva- nia marketplace and beyond. Providing the infrastructure

NorthMarq Capital arranges $1.7 million mortgage for Kirkview Apartments in NY

Kirkwood , NY — NorthMarq’s New Jersey office recently closed a $1.7 million loan for the refi- nancing of K i r k v i e w Apartments, a 5 4 - un i t three-story market-rate mu l t i f am- ily property located in Kirkwood, New Gary Cohen of the state. Another important change in this permit is the newmon- itoring requirements. These include new requirements to perform quarterly visual examinations of stormwater discharges. The proposed permit also allows the MDE to require monitoring and online electronic submission of Discharge Monitoring

We are inviting industry leaders to be a part of our “year book”. We will preview the top Headlines of the year along with photos of your top executives along with a special season’s greetings or thank you ads to your clients, brokers, owners, architects, and employees that helped make 2012 a winning year. SEND IN YOUR TOP EXECUTIVE HEAD SHOTS Please take this opportunity to review your year’s successes and congratulate all who helped make it happen! 2012 Year in Review

Kirkview Apartments

York. The borrower worked with Gary Cohen , senior vice president and senior di- rector of NorthMarq’s North New Jersey regional office,

Proposed Maryland NPDES Industrial Stormwater . . . continued from page 2A

Reports in specific cases where local discharge is to an impaired water body. Furthermore, it requires monitoring without limits for benchmark parameters for some industrial waste sectors, including Agricul- tural Chemicals, Automobile Salvage, Scrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facili- ties, and Fabricated Metal Products.

Publication date: December 21, 2012 Deadline: December 14, 2012

Professional Services We are inviting a select group of top professional to write an expert article about the current state of their respective fields. These experts will enlighten our readers on current issues, challenges and obstacles owners, developers and managers face on a project to project basis, focusing on specific business verticals. Deadline: November 12 • Publication Date: November 23 Submit your expert article today! 550 words with author headshot and bio Contact Linda Christman lchristman@marejournal.com | 800-584-1062 x 203 www.marejournal.com

Special advertising rates to all participating firms.

Linda Christman lchristman@marejournal.com Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal www.marejournal.com Tel: 781-871-5298 800-584-1062 x 203

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