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STEPHEN JEFFERY stephen.jeffery@eap.on.ca
Letters will be sent to Russell village residents living within a proposed heri- tage conservation area in a final round of consultation. Russell’s council had been due to pass a bylaw that would approve the creation of the heritage conservation district in the village core at last Tuesday’s meeting. But the final vote was delayed until mid-May after a petition opposed to the district was delivered to the township. If approved, the district would cover the “old village” core of Russell, and would include both residential and commercial areas on both sides of the Castor River. Ac- cording to a proposal document, the district’s creation would help with “protecting key views, streetscapes and first impressions when entering this part of the village”. The petition called for an additional in- person public meeting to “allow taxpayers within and adjacent to the proposed area to voice any objections” and claimed many residents were not aware of the plan until /PWFNCFSMBTUZFBS The council opted instead to postpone the third reading of the bylaw, and to send letters to all affected houses in the area. The letters would inform the residents of the plans, and provided contact details to raise any concerns. About eight instances of public consulta- tion, through letters, notifications, and public hearings have been held since 2018, when the planning department recommended
La proposition de district de conservation du patrimoine pour le village de Russell devrait revenir devant le conseil pour un vote final le mois prochain. — photo d’archives council proceed with the heritage conser- vation district study. The issue continued to generate interest at the council meeting on Tuesday. Councillors and staff spend about half an hour answering questions from residents in a dedicated question period on the topic. In an online message to residents fol- lowing the meeting, mayor Pierre Leroux encouraged those concerned to read the district document, and to provide feedback on ways it could be improved. “Council is really looking for feedback on how to improve UIFEPDVNFOUJUTFMG uIFTBJEi8FSFMPPLJOH to preserve the heritage aspect in the village of Russell for future generations, so it’s worthwhile having that conversation.”
Le plan de vaccination de l’Ontario contribue à freiner la propagation et à sauver des vies. Des milliers de gens se font vacciner tous les jours aux quatre coins de la province. À mesure que les vaccinations se poursuivent, nous devons continuer de protéger nos proches. Portez un masque. Lavez-vous
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Residents of The Nation Municipality will have a chance to express their views about the proposed new sports and community centre project. Council agreed during its April 6 ses- sion to schedule a public presentation on the complete concept plan for the project during its April 26 session. Integrated Design &OHJOFFSJOHBOE"SDIJUFDUVSF *%&" UIF consultant firm involved with the project, expects to have an update budget projection ready by then along with all other project details to present to council for final review and approval. “The budget remains tight for us,” said %JOP/VHFOU *%&"TQPLFTNBO EVSJOHPOBO update to council during its April 6 session. Projected budget for the project is about $14 million, with a contingency fund allowed of about $1.2 million for any unexpected problems or costs that arise during actual DPOTUSVDUJPO*%&"FYQFDUTUPIBWFBNPSF complete assessment of the project cost by April 26. /VHFOUOPUFEUIBUUIFFGGFDUPGUIFQBO - demic on the supply of some construction materials may be one of the key factors affecting the final project cost. Rolled steel will make up a large part of the facility’s
Les résidents auront l’occasion de commenter le projet lors d’une présentation publique le 26 avril. — concept graphic courtesy of IDEA building material and right now the pandemic is affecting the world supply of rolled steel for manufacturing. /VHFOUOPUFEUIBUJGUIFNVOJDJQBMJUZDBO get its community centre project out for ten- der soon and get a “fixed price” agreement with a contractor for construction, that will help with managing project costs. The proposed site for the new commu- nity centre is in Limoges on Limoges Road, between École St-Viateur and the municipal XBUFSUSFBUNFOUQMBOU8IFODPNQMFUFE UIF new facility will feature two indoor soccer fields, a two-lane perimeter running track, change rooms and other facilities, and a community centre annex with a 150-person seating capacity plus kitchen and other support features.
les mains. Respectez l’écart sanitaire. Pour savoir où, quand et comment vous faire vacciner, consultez ontario.ca/planvaccinationcovid ou téléphonez au 1 888 999-6488 pour obtenir de l’aide dans 300 langues.
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