All School Handbook 2024-2025

a love of our Jewish heritage and traditions.

First Grade – Hagigat Hasiddur First Grade students will demonstrate their proficiency in prayer by leading the morning service, as well as present a midrash (story) about how the Hebrew letters received their order in the alphabet. Students are presented with their first siddur (prayer book). Second Grade – Hagigat Hahumash Second grade students will present a musical and dramatic performance of Torah stories they have studied during the year, in Hebrew. Students will receive a copy of the first book of the Torah – bereishit (Genesis). Third Grade – Hagigat Hasafah Second grade students will present a musical and dramatic performance of Torah stories they have studied during the year, in Hebrew. Students will receive a copy of the first book of the Torah – bereishit (Genesis). Fourth Grade – Aliyah Program Fourth grade students conclude the year with a presentation for Yom Yerushalayim (Reunification of Jerusalem Day). This energetic performance presents the history of Jerusalem through narration, song, and dance. Students make Aliyah (meaning “going ip”). It is the celebratio n of their moving up to middle school. Students are presented with their own copy of the middle school siddur. K’HILAH K’DOSHAH SHABBAT K’hilah K’doshah Shabbat is held once a month for Kindergarten - Eighth Grade. These special Shabbat services celebrate our “holy community” by allowing different grade levels to plan and perform at the services. We wear our K’hilah K’doshah t -shirts with blue jeans or dark pants on these Fridays. MEET THE TEACHER Parent orientation night occurs during the first weeks of the school year. Parents are highly encouraged to attend as they will hear about what the teachers have planned for the year, curriculum and other important information. FOR PARENTS ONLY SHABBAT SERVICES Friday morning Shabbat services at Levine are very special. All relatives and friends are welcome to join us every Friday morning. Kindergarten services are held in Beit Am (except on K’hilah K’doshah where Kindergarten joins First – Eighth Grade in Beit Aryeh). First – Eighth Grade services are held in Beit Aryeh at 8:00 AM and Early Childhood services are in Beit Am at 9:15 AM. SPIRIT WEAR/ROSH HODESH Spirit Wear is sold through the PA’s Spirit Wear committee. Levine logo -bearing clothing items cans be worn on Spirit Wear Days, which fall on Rosh Hodesh (the first day of the new Hebrew month). These days are indicated in your school calendar.


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