All School Handbook 2024-2025

Allergies Please notify the school nurse if your child suffers from allergies. An allergy list will be posted in each classroom, so all teachers are aware of every child’s needs. If your child has life -threatening allergic reactions, three EpiPens must be given to the school – they will be kept in the classroom, the EC or Main office and the nurse’s station. Written, dated and signed instructions must be kept in the nurse’s office. Please remember to check the expiration date on all medication. A nurse is on duty at Levine Academy during school hours. In addition, the teachers and staff have been trained in First Aid and Pediatric and Adult CPR. Injuries In case of accidental injury, the school will make an immediate attempt to contact a parent. o If a parent (or a person designated by parents as one with permission to authorize medical treatment for a child) cannot be contacted, the Head of School, Principal, or administrator will make the necessary decisions, provided a signed medical authorization is on file with the school. o If necessary, the school will contact the child’s physician, an ambulance or paramedics. o Parents assume responsibility for any resultant expenses. o Please keep the school up to date on phone numbers, emergency numbers, and other pertinent medical and safety information. KASHRUT AND FOOD RESTRICTIONS ON-CAMPUS Kashrut , the Jewish dietary laws, are a central part of Jewish practice and life; one of the most significant ways of making our behaviors kadosh - holy. Judaism teaches that our basic drives are neither holy nor unholy, but they are waiting to be holy, and by our thought, intention, and our ability to make moral distinctions we can make all of our acts holy – even the way we eat. Levine Academy serves students across the entire spectrum of religious observance, and Kashrut practices vary from family to family. While we completely respect each of our family’s personal observances and spirituality at home, we maintain a standard of kashrut in the building that is attainable for all our Levine families and faculty. The Torah defines the following characteristics as Kosher foods: 1. Land Animals - Kosher animals chew their cud and have split hooves 2. Poultry - The Torah simply provides a list of birds that are Kosher and not Kosher. 3. Fish - Fish that are Kosher have fins and scales. Shellfish are NOT Kosher. 4. Milk & Meat - Milk and meat/poultry products may not be served or consumed together. Dairy may not be eaten until three hours or more have passed after eating meat. Beyond the Torah, the Jewish tradition holds additional rules regarding food preparation and how it affects the utensils being used. For this reason, the kashrut policy at Levine Academy has been designed to simplify the Kashrut experience, making it easier for our students and faculty to maintain our kashrut standards when in the building.


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