All School Handbook 2024-2025

FOODS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE A KOSHER SYMBOL (HECHSHER) Beverages o Milk, plain only o Soda o Fruit Juices, n o artificial or “natural” flavors or colors

Fruits and Vegetables o

- Canned Fruits and vegetables – *No artificial or “natural” flavors or colors o - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables o - Fresh Cut Fruits and Vegetables- Dried Fruits and Vegetables – Domestic only and without added flavors

What About Fish? Fish is considered pareve according to Kashrut – it is considered neither meat nor dairy. Kosher fish are those with fins and scales, such as tuna, salmon, trout, and halibut and those are permitted.

OUR EARLY CHILDHOOD IS NUT-FREE. Please refer to our Early Childhood Handbook starting on page 22.

Our K-8 Peanut Policy Out of concern and consideration for students with life-threatening allergies to peanuts/nuts/nut products, the school requests that no student bring a snack containing nuts or nut products. Lunches may contain nuts/nut products, as seating is arranged to ensure the safety of those with allergies.

Baked items must be labeled nut-free and Kosher or nut-free and Kosher dairy.

Where can you find kosher-certified foods? o

Tom Thumb, Coit & Campbell (1380 W. Campbell) o Tom Thumb, Preston Forest (11920 Preston Road) o Trader Joe’s o Whole Foods and Central Market Stores o K Market Kosher Grocery & Deli (6911 Frankford Rd., corner of Frankford & Hillcrest) o Milk and Honey Kosher Foods (420 N. Coit Rd., corner of Coit & Roundrock)

OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL CELEBRATIONS At Levine Academy, we strive to teach and live Jewish values in everything we do.

To that end, we expect all Levine families will adhere to the following guidelines when having a party for Levine students outside of school (including birthday parties and bar/bat mitzvah parties):

o We ask that you invite all the children in your child’s class, or all children of the same gender.

o Party invitations should be mailed; it is our policy that they may not be distributed in school.

o Addresses and phone numbers are printed in the School Directory.


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