All School Handbook 2024-2025

o To be inclusive, we request that you do NOT schedule parties on Shabbat or any Jewish holidays. Be mindful that Shabbat and Jewish holidays begin at sundown the night before and end one hour after sunset the next evening. For questions about times of Shabbat or Jewish holidays, consult the school’s calendar. (Of course, we do encourage Levine students and families to gather for the traditional celebration of Shabbat and holidays, and it is appropriate to invite Levine Academy families to a Shabbat meal or holiday celebrations.) o We also request that you respect the dietary laws of Kashrut when serving food by following our in-school dairy/pareve policy. SECURITY AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION At Levine Academy, our children’s safety and security are of the utmos t concern. These are a few of our security measure initiatives: o Self-Locking Doors: All perimeter doors of the school are self-locking and only accessible with a staff-security badge. o Raptor: All parents, guardians and visitors must be processed through the school’s Raptor Technology System — Raptor is a visitor registration system that reads drivers' licenses, comparing information t o a sex offender database, alerting campus administrators if a match is found, then (assuming no match was made) printing a visitor nametag that includes a photo. o Badges: Parents are issued badges once cleared through Raptor. These badges must be worn at all times when on campus. If your badge is ever lost or stolen, please report it to the school so that we can immediately flag it and reissue you another badge. o Cameras: Every entrance to the building as well as the playground areas are being monitored by a video surveillance camera. o Security: Armed security officers will be on-site all during school hours of operation. An officer will be positioned at the main vehicular entrance on Frankford during all school hours. Additional security guards will move throughout the grounds maintaining high visibility while carrying a radio, which affords instant communication with the school office and others. Blackboard Connect Blackboard Connect is an alert and notification text messaging service that enables us to communicate via mass text notifications about any emergency or inclement weather situations, school events and other important issues that may impact your child(ren). We will be able to reach everyone within minutes. Additionally, it is vital that all families have up-to-date contact information in Veracross and that families turn in their emergency contact form. We must have all of your current telephone numbers and e-mail addresses so that you will not miss any important communications via Blackboard Connect. To help us ensure that we have your current information, we will send a test communication via email and text message just prior to the start of the school year. Maintaining ongoing effective communication with


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