All School Handbook 2024-2025

SPIRITUAL GOALS The early childhood environment serves as a community where children learn to trust themselves and others. Havdalah, Torah Service, Kabbalat Shabbat and holiday celebrations are joyful, shared experiences where children become familiar and comfortable with basic Hebrew vocabulary, Jewish rituals and concepts, mitzvot, Jewish values, G-d and tzedakah. Jewish life in the Levine Academy Early Childhood encompasses all aspects of hands-on learning. As the children interact with their peers and teachers, they grow to understand the value of belonging to a group, a family, a community and the Jewish People. PHYSICAL GOALS Each child will develop an awareness of their body. Based on developmental ages and stages of young children, appropriate activities will enable each child to develop:

An awareness of body.


o Gross motor coordination skills through large muscle activities.

o Fine motor coordination skills through small muscle activities.

Self-help skills.


o Physical movement through games and music.

o Physical Activity is an integral part of child development. Students at Levine Academy participate in both indoor and outdoor play for a minimum of 1.5 hours a day. Students participate in unstructured and structured play in the classroom, gym and outdoors on the playground.

Levine Academy allows Early Childhood students to play outdoors under the following guidelines:

o A suggested minimum temperature for allowing students to go outside for recess and/or physical education is 40 degrees or above. However, good judgment should be used if there is a wind chill factor. o A suggested maximum temperature for allowing students to go outside for recess and/or physical education is 100 degrees or above. However, good judgment should be used if there is an air quality factor. All students should be moved inside at the sound of thunder or the sight of a lightning strike. All students should be kept inside 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder and/or lightning strike. If thunder is heard or lightning is seen during those 30 minutes, the clock starts over. There must be 30 minutes of continuous absence of thunder and/or lightning before students are allowed back outside.

Levine Academy uses indoor multipurpose spaces, the gym and classroom space for physical activity when there is inclement weather.


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