All School Handbook 2024-2025

Physical Education Physical education is an important part of a child’s instructional day as well as an instrumental component of a child’s physical and social development.

o If a child is unable to participate in physical education, a parent note is required.

o Frequent or long-term non- participation may warrant a physician’s note.

o All Middle School students must change into the official physical education uniform.

ATTENDANCE Levine Academy’s Attendance Policy promotes regular class attendance as an integral part of the learning process and an atmosphere in which learning may take place. Parents are asked to cooperate in teaching their children respect for school hours by arriving at school on time and not requesting early dismissal except in case of emergency. Students are expected to attend all classes, services, and assemblies.


School begins at 8:00 A.M. unless there is a publicized schedule change.

o Middle School students are expected to arrive at school at 7:50 A.M., be seated in their advisory class by 7:55 A.M., and in services/Iyun Tefillah at 8:00 A.M.

o Students are allowed in classrooms beginning at 7:40 A.M.

o Faculty/Staff Members are on carpool duty from 7:40-7:55 A.M. every day.

o When carpool attendants are no longer on duty (after 7:55 A.M.), students are considered tardy, and parents must accompany the student to the g reeter’s desk to sign -in. o Drivers should NEVER use cell phones or have children or pets on their laps when driving through carpool.


All Kindergarten through Eighth Grade students are dismissed from Beit Aryeh. Kindergarten students are dismissed at 3:00 P.M. daily.

o Students in grades First-Fourth are dismissed at 3:30 P.M. daily.

o Middle School students are dismissed at 4:00 P.M. daily.

o Students enrolled in Educare or after-school activities are dismissed accordingly.

o Students not picked up by 3:45 P.M. are sent to Aftercare.

ABSENCES If your child will be absent from school, please notify the school by 9:00 A.M.


Students leaving school early for an appointment require parent sign-out at the g reeter’s desk.

o Students are not released from class until the parent arrives at school.


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