These actions can cause great distress. However, they do not fit the definition of bullying, and they’re not examples of bullying unless someone is deliberately and repeatedly doing them. The school’s administrative team, including its counselors and deans, will determine whether a student’s misconduct constitutes bullying. Relational Aggression Relational aggression is behavior intended to harm, or threatens to harm, others through deliberate manipulation of their social standing and relationships. Relational aggression may be direct or covert; and it may be either planned or in response to, anot her person or group’s actions. It may be directed at a peer, peer group or a potential or actual romantic partner. Emotional Aggression Emotional aggression is harmful behavior directed at others, often driven by impulsive emotions, and occurring with little forethought or intent. It can be the result of negative emotions, including anger, and is not intended to create any positive outcomes. Examples of emotional aggression include, but are not limited to, yelling, teasing, threatening, and other intimidating behavior. Hazing Hazing is any activity by which a person endangers or threatens to endanger the physical safety or emotional health of another for purposes of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any group or organization. Hazing includes, but is not limited to, forced and prolonged physical activity; forced consumption of any food, beverage, medication or controlled substance, whether or not prescribed, in excess of the usual amounts for human consumption, or forced consumption of any substance not generally intended for human consumption; and prolonged deprivation of sleep, food, or drink. THE SCHOOL’S RESPONSE TO REPORTS OF MISCONDUCT Parents of the alleged student victim of misconduct must realize that the school’s administration, following an investigation into the alleged misconduct, may have a different understanding about what took place. Also, it is important to realize that because of our confidentiality standards, a) the school may not be able to let you know all of the specific details of any given situation; b) the school may not be able to give you a full account of its work behind the scenes because some of the details may be confidential; and c) the school’s intervention or disciplinary action taken must remain confidential, and the school’s consultation and action plan with the perpetrator’s family cannot be shared with the victim’s family. In all matters related to the reporting of misconduct, the school will be able to conduct its business, along with any necessary investigation, most successfully when all parties involved are cooperative, reasonable and collaborative. This expectation is spelled out in the Parent/School Relationship provision, which is paragraph #10 in the enrollment contract. Upon receipt of such a complaint, the counselor, Principal or Head of School will investigate the complaint completely and, when appropriate, will act based on the circumstances. Action may include education, counseling, suspension or dismissal. To the extent possible and allowed by law, Levine Academy will maintain confidentiality within the confines of the investigation of the alleged prohibited
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