CONFIDENTIALITY AND STUDENT RECORDS All personal information about students is kept in strictest confidence. Information regarding a student is released only with written consent from the parent or guardian.
TELEPHONE USE Students may not use school phones or cell phones to call parents unless given special permission.
o Students who bring cell phones to school must keep them turned off and in lockers during the entire school day.
o Cell phones may be used outside of the building after dismissal.
o Phones are confiscated if this policy is not strictly followed.
TOYS, GAMES, ELECTRONICS, ROLLERBLADES, SKATEBOARDS, ETC. Students may not bring games, electronics, toys, etc. to school unless special permission is granted by a particular teacher or for a specific event. These items are confiscated if this policy is not strictly followed.
VISITORS TO THE CLASSROOM Levine Academy regularly has visitors to campus. If a prospective parent wishes to observe a classroom, the visit must be scheduled in advance through the Principal or Admissions Office.
o Classroom observations are limited to 20 minutes.
o Students deserve complete and uninterrupted attention from the classroom teacher. Parents are asked not to drop by a classroom and expect a teacher conference.
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