All School Handbook 2024-2025

Email is the usual and acceptable means to communicate any questions with teachers. Sending emails to multiple recipients is not an effective or appropriate form of communication as it can slow down a response time and will often impair the clarity or purpose of the message. Likewise, sending e-blast complaints to multiple or large group listings of parents, faculty, administration or Board members is not only an infringement upon the proprietary information in the directory, but such behavior conflicts with the enrollment provision, which expects families to maintain a cooperative mode of communication between home and school. We encourage parents, when using email, to be brief and keep to a neutral tone. Continuous email emailing of faculty or staff — usually this takes the form of repeated emailing with a derogatory or critical tone -- will not be tolerated. Our aim is to realize a collaborative and mutually supportive tone between home and school in a constructive and positive manner.

Support Staff — whom to contact and when: Assistant to the Head of School o

Scheduling appointments with the Head of School

o Inquiries regarding Board members or Board business

o Guidance concerning contacts around the school

K-8 School Administrative Assistant o K-8 class schedules o

Setting-up an appointment with the K-8 Principal

Early Childhood Assistant Director o

Daily procedures and whom to contact regarding Early Childhood matters

School Administration — whom to contact and when: K-8 Principal o K-8 programs and curriculum o Your child’s development and needs o Middle school advisory program o Academic schedule o An issue that has not been resolved after consulting your child’s teacher o Student ambassadorship o 5 th & 6 th Grade student trips

Early Childhood Director o

Early Childhood programs and curriculum o Y our child’s development o An issue that has not been resolved after c onsulting your child’s teacher

Director of Jewish Life and Learning o

Judaic Studies and Hebrew programs and curriculum o School-wide Jewish programming and Buddies o Religious Service and Prayer o 7 th and 8 th Grade student trips


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