Spring 2018 PEG


How to Prepare for Your Permit Dues Increase

If you represent a permit holder employing six or more members, your company has probably already been affected by APEGA’s July 1, 2017, permit dues increase. If your company employs fewer than six Members, however, it hasn’t been affected yet—but it could be as soon as this summer. The launch date of the second stage of the two-stage increase is July 1, 2018. WHAT CAN I DO TO PREPARE? You’ll want to know how many members are associated with your APEGA permit. Visit the APEGA Company Self-Service Centre (CSSC) . The login information to this site is given to the Chief Operating Officer registered with the APEGA permit. It’s here that permit holders can maintain and edit the APEGA listing of members associated with their permit. They can adjust their Responsible Member listings and maintain their contact information on file with APEGA. The CSSC features an estimator so you can estimate what your permit dues will be for the upcoming year. WHEN WILL MY COMPANY BE BILLED? Your billing date is tied to your permit due date. APEGA sends out the permit dues renewal package 60 days ahead of the permit due date, allowing the permit holder 30 days to manage and edit its information about APEGA members on file. Thirty days ahead of the permit due date, the invoice is finalized and the company has one month to pay. Once the permit dues are paid, the permit certificate is issued. It’s valid for one year. WHICH COMPANIES REQUIRE PERMITS TO PRACTICE? Permits are required by any company that engages in the practices of engineering or geoscience in Alberta.

The permit gives the company the right to practice—and also to use reserved words within its name. WHY DO THESE COMPANIES NEED PERMITS IN THE FIRST PLACE? Regulation of the professions is vital to protect public safety and interest. Companies that practise engineering and geoscience must have systems in place to enable members to do their jobs competently and ethically. WHEN AND WHY DID APEGA COUNCIL INCREASE PERMIT DUES? APEGA Council approved a change in its permit dues model in December 2016. Permit dues increase with the size of the company, as measured by the number of APEGA members employed, as per APEGA’s permit files. • APEGA Council approved a change in its permit dues model in December 2016 • Permit dues increase with the size of the company, as measured by the number of APEGA members employed, as per APEGA’s permit files • Types of members included in the calculation are Professional Members, Licensees, Professional Licensees, restricted practitioners, Provisional Licensees, Members-in-Training, and exam candidates • The increase was effective July 1, 2017, for permit holders employing six or more members • The next increase is effective July 1, 2018, for permit holders employing five or fewer members

30 | PEG SPRING 2018

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