More volunteer opportunities
Geoscience, Engineering Professional Standards Subcommittee Members Members are needed for the Geoscience Professional Standards Subcommittee and the Engineering Professional Standards Subcommittee. These subcommittees ensure APEGA professional practice standards, guidelines, and bulletins will, when implemented, protect the public interest. Branch Executive Committee Members Executive committee members are needed for APEGA branches, an integral part of APEGA operations. APEGA has 10 branches across the province, which act as conduits between APEGA’s offices and APEGA members, and offer local luncheons and professional development opportunities. Requirements for Registration Seminar Presenters Presenters are needed to deliver in-person seminars on APEGA’s requirements and process for registration. Volunteers must present at least twice between July 2018 and June 2019, typically in either Edmonton or Calgary. Expert Witnesses in Geoscience APEGA seeks two geoscience expert witnesses for short-term contract positions. These individuals will assist APEGA’s Compliance Department with specific compliance cases.
Edmonton & Calgary University Outreach Volunteers APEGA members and human resources professionals are invited to use their valuable knowledge and experience at fun and worthwhile university student events, aimed at helping students prepare for their entry into the industry. APEGA Science Olympics Volunteers Share your passion for your profession by helping inspire the next generation of professionals. APEGA seeks volunteers to facilitate hands-on challenges for students in Calgary on May 12. APEGA is looking for members to serve as subject matter experts (SMEs) on the Registration Committee. An SME’s primary duty is to review and provide recommendations on whether an applicant for professional registration has met our requirements for registration. Graduating Students Workshop Volunteers Volunteers are needed to help enable small groups of students evaluate case studies that demonstrate the importance of ethical considerations in the practice of the professions. The workshops will be held on March 10 in Calgary and on April 7 Edmonton. Subject Matter Expert—Registration Committee
For further information on any of the opportunities listed here—or other APEGA-related volunteer opportunities—please contact: APEGA Volunteer Management 1-800-661-7020, Ext. 1556 You can also check out the volunteer section of the APEGA website.
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