Case No. 17-020-RDO continued
The Rules of Conduct of the APEGA Code of Ethics state: 1 Professional engineers and geoscientists shall, in their areas of practice, hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of the public and have regard for the environment. 2 Professional engineers and geoscientists shall undertake only work that they are competent to perform by virtue of their training and experience. 3 Professional engineers and geoscientists shall conduct themselves with integrity, honesty, fairness and objectivity in their professional activities. 4 Professional engineers and geoscientists shall comply with applicable statutes, regulations and bylaws in their professional practices. 5 Professional engineers and geoscientists shall uphold and enhance the honour, dignity and reputation of their professions and thus the ability of the professions to serve the public interest. Committee, and by agreement of the Member with that recommendation, and following a discussion and review with the Discipline Committee Case Manager, the Discipline Committee hereby orders, pursuant to Section 63 of the Act , that: 1. The Member will be assessed, and will pay, a fine of $500, pursuant to Section 64(1)(b) of the Act , within 90 days from the date this Order is approved by the Discipline Committee Case Manager. If the fine is not paid within 90 days from the date this Order is approved, the Member shall be suspended from the practice of engineering. 2. The Member will receive a Letter of Reprimand, a copy of which will be maintained permanently in the Member’s registration file and be considered at any future date by APEGA. 3. This matter and its outcome will be published by APEGA as deemed appropriate and such publication will name the Member. I, Mr. Harpreet S. Dinsa, P.Eng., acknowledge that before signing this Recommended Discipline Order, I consulted with legal counsel regarding my rights or that I am aware of my right to consult legal counsel and that D. RECOMMENDED ORDERS On the recommendation of the Investigative
B. AGREED STATEMENT OF FACTS As a result of the investigation, it is agreed by and be- tween the Investigative Committee and the Member that: 1. At all relevant times, the Member was a Professional Member of APEGA, and was thus bound by the Act and the APEGA Code of Ethics . 2. The Member graduated from University of Alberta (B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering) in 1997. 3. The Member posted the comments on LinkedIn as referenced in the initial complaint and also posted comments with respect to APEGA. 4. The Member admits that these comments were inappropriate and that his conduct amounted to unprofessional conduct. 5. Considering the Member’s foregoing admissions respecting his conduct and the cooperation of the Member in this investigation, it is the Panel’s recommendation that the matter be resolved through a Recommended Discipline Order. C. CONDUCT The Member freely and voluntarily admits that his conduct, described above, constitutes unprofessional conduct. Section 44(1) of the Act states: 44(1) Any conduct of a professional member, licensee, permit holder, certificate holder or member-in-training that in the opinion of the Discipline Committee or the Appeal Board a) is detrimental to the best interests of the public, b) contravenes a code of ethics of the profession as established under the regulations, c) harms or tends to harm the standing of the profession generally, d) displays a lack of knowledge of or lack of skill or judgment in the practice of the profession, or e) displays a lack of knowledge of or lack of skill or judgment in the carrying out of any duty or obligation undertaken in the practice of the profession, whether or not that conduct is disgraceful or dishonourable, constitutes either unskilled practice of the profession or unprofessional conduct, whichever the Discipline Committee or the Appeal Board finds.
SPRING 2018 PEG | 69
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