Spring 2018 PEG

Registrar & CEO's Message


You will perform your work ethically and competently… APEGA, meanwhile, will work hard in the background to maintain and improve the value of those letters that appear after your name: your professional designation. That’s a big part of what’s in it for you.

in clearly defining and assessing their competencies, using 22 competencies grouped in six categories. The CBA approach is well tested and proven by Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, and it’s widely recognized as a best practice for examining experience. Our version is in the advanced testing stage, so stay tuned. What’s in if for you? Every applicant’s experience reflects on the APEGA professions. Clarity and efficiency mean less frustration about APEGA, a better APEGA brand, and improved value for your designation. TOWARDS BETTER PRACTICE Many improvements are underway to improve the likelihood that the practices of individuals and permit holders meet or exceed the public’s expectations and needs. Watch for more practice reviews, more

nothing less. The processes themselves, however, should never be an impediment to those seeking membership. We keep getting better in this area. We’ve stand­ ardized and improved academics credentialing for international applicants through World Education Ser- vices. We’ve improved many of our forms. We’re in the middle of improving the processes used by the ultimate decider of an application’s fate, the APEGA Board of Examiners. We’ve made registration information on our website easy to find and comprehend. We’re also very close to launching our competency- based assessment (CBA) system. CBA is a step change in improving the fairness and defensibility of experience examinations, by making the reporting done by potential members more consistent, complete, and comparable. Applicants will take an active role

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