Russell Ladies Night to support Make-a-Wish CANDICE VETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca
“This year we have chosen to raise aware- ness and funds for Make-A-Wish Eastern Ontario,” said Judy McFaul, committee co- chair. “Our children will be the big winners since the funds we raise through our sup- port will remain in our community.” The foundation grants wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions, allowing them to enjoy enriching experi- ences. In addition, the agricultural society selected the theme Make a Wish—Give a
Gift, to promote organ donation. The com- mittee has become expert at making the most of these events, and this year there will be people available to help get organ donor cards signed. Double lung transplant recipient, Nancy Neville of Russell, was on hand at the news conference and said a few words about the gift that extended her life. Some 600 ladies attend the event year after year and so far, the event has raised more than $225,000 for different charities.
Organizers, the James family auctioneers, entertainers, and many others volunteer time and skills. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 3, at the Russell Arena, which will be decorated in gala style. A fabulous dinner at 7:00 is followed by live and silent auctions, as well as a variety of entertainments for ladies, and dancing to Ambush. Tickets must be purchased in advance either online at www.RussellFair.com or by calling 445-4161. Félicitations au gagnant de notre tirage-voyage!
RUSSELL | The Russell Agricultural Soci- ety’s Ladies’ Night will be a gala affair this year, celebrating the event’s tenth an- niversary, and the committee has picked the Make-a-Wish Foundation as the ben- eficiary for this major fundraising event.
M. Alain Larocque de Casselman est l’heureux gagnant de notre tirage-voyage. Il reçoit un bon cadeau d’une valeur de 3000$ des mains de Tanya Dubé, représentante de la coopérative. Bon voyage M. Larocque!
Photo Candice Vetter
Vous avez de la difficulté à entendre ? Ceci changera votre vie
The Russell Ladies’ Night committee members, along with sponsors and beneficiary representatives, held a media conference to introduce this year’s beneficiary, Make- A-Wish Eastern Ontario. From left to right (standing), Colin Sanders of Scotiabank, François Legault of Le Reflet/The News, Angela Swann, coordinator of Make-A-Wish Eastern Ontario, Judy McFaul, committee co-chair, Michelle St-Pierre of Bay Street Salon and Spa, Lynne Rochon, committee co-chair, Laura Hamilton (hidden), Nancy Neville, double-lung transplant recipient, Gord Sheldrick, president of the Russell Agricultural Society (seated), Suzanne Perras-Campbell, Linda Kemp, and Linda Du- hamel. Missing is committee member Kelsey Thompson. ))!./%+*ŏ".*`%/!ŏčŏ !ŏ,(1/ŏ !*ŏ,(1/ŏ,+,1(%.!ŏ!*ŏ*0.%+
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française en 2006, ce nombre s’est rendu à 342 529 cinq ans plus tard. Il s’agit d’une hausse de 12,12 %.
De plus en plus d’élèves du système sco- laire anglophone veulent apprendre le fran- çais. Selon les dernières données publiées par Statistique Canada, le nombre d’élèves du primaire et du secondaire inscrits dans un programme d’immersion française a augmenté en cinq ans. L’Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB), qui englobe les écoles publiques anglophones de l’Est ontarien, a enregis- tré 2287 inscriptions à l’élémentaire et 351 pour le secondaire en 2006-2007. Quant au Catholic District School Board of East- ern Ontario (CDSBEO), le conseil scolaire catholique anglophone, ses écoles élémen- taires et secondaires ont respectivement des scores de 3096 et 296 inscriptions pour la même année. Les deux conseils scolaires anglophones ont enregistré une hausse des inscriptions dans le programme d’immersion française en 2011-2012. Les écoles élémentaires et secondaires de l’UCDSB ont reçu respec- tivement 6289 et 370 inscriptions. Quant aux écoles élémentaires et secondaires de la CDSBEO, elles ont eu respectivement 3842 et 363 élèves inscrits. L’Est ontarien suit les mêmes tendances que le reste du Canada. Alors que le pays entier avait 305 496 élèves en immersion
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