TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

-D- Daily Activity: means the estimated Energy received into a Shipper’s Imbalance Account the previous Day plus the estimated Energy delivered out of a Shipper’s Imbalance Account the previous Day divided by 2. Day: means a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours beginning at 09:00 hours Sask Time. Deliverability: means the rate of Withdrawal. Delivery Transportation Service: means the Service provided under the TransGas Service Agreement and as outlined in the Delivery Transportation Service Specification. Demand Charge: means that portion of a Service rate that reflects the reservation of Capacity not the per unit of Service actually delivered to the Customer. Direct Purchase: means the acquisition of Gas supply transported to Customer by means of an intra-Provincial Delivery Transportation Service. Diversions: means the daily transfer of Gas already on the Gas Transmission System from the Point of Delivery to a non-contracted Point of Delivery without a TransGas Contract amendment.

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Business Practices Overview 1.1 Definitions

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