TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

GROUPING AND RANKING NOMINATIONS: Where Customer’s Nomination is served by multi upstream and/or downstream parties, the Nomination is considered part of a group and special conditions can apply to these Nominations. A group Nomination can occur as follows: − Upstream on Receipt to TEP or an interconnecting pipeline, − Downstream on TEP to Export Changes to Nominations that are part of the group can affect all the Nominations in the group, and grouped Nominations must be submitted together and maintain the same start and end dates. NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS NOT SCHEDULED DUE TO SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS OR NON- COMPLIANCE TO POLICY Confirmation and Scheduled status are implicit unless notified otherwise. If your Nominations are not scheduled by TransGas due to Capacity constraints or non-compliance with TransGas policy, business parties will be notified through the web application or other means. In Capacity constrained areas, Nominations may not be scheduled and Nominations will be pro-rated or cut, subject to provisions in the Tariff, and Customer will be contacted for potential next steps. Interruptible Service pro-rations will be based on previous Interruptible flow. DEFINITIONS OF TRANSPORT AND STORAGE NOMINATION STATUS ON THE WEB NOMINATIONS APPLICATION IN THE SECURE ZONE Once a Nomination has been submitted (i.e. its status is PENDING, ACCEPTED, REJECTED OR WITHDRAWN,), it cannot be altered. To change the dates or quantities on a submitted Nomination, a new Nomination must be created which will override the existing one. The Customer may only delete Nominations with status of NEW, or BUSINESS INVALID OR LINE INVALID. Only Nominations with a status of BUSINESS VALID OR PROCESSED will be scheduled, unless notified otherwise. See definitions below for further detail: − NEW – A Nomination that has just been created by the New or Copy function, or has just been edited, but has not been saved to the database. − BUSINESS INVALID OR LINE INVALID– A Nomination failed the validations during the Validate or Submit function and has not been saved to the database. If error messages exist, the status on the Nomination will be BI (Business Invalid) or LI (Line Invalid). − BUSINESS VALID - A Nomination that has been successfully submitted and validated by TransGas. This Nomination will be processed and scheduled, unless notified otherwise, or unless another Nomination overrides it.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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