TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

Service Specifications

3.1 Transportation A) Delivery I. Definitions

The uppercase terms used herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to the corresponding terms in the Definitions section of the Tariff, unless otherwise defined herein. For the purposes of this Service Specification, in order for a Customer to qualify for Firm Demand Service herein, TransGas must transport for, or on behalf of Customer, on an annual basis, in excess of 48,600 GJs of Gas. Customers with annual transport quantities of less than the stated amount are classified as Non-Demand Transportation Service, with the exception of Summer Use. This definition is only applicable to Firm Delivery Transportation Service. II. Description of Service Subject to the terms and conditions herein, this Delivery Transportation Service is available to a Customer on the following bases: a) Export Delivery Transportation Service This Service is available to a Customer for transportation of Gas from TEP for redelivery of the Gas to a point on an interconnecting pipeline for subsequent delivery out of Saskatchewan. This Service is available on both a Firm Service basis and an Interruptible Service basis. For Firm Service, a Customer may contract for Long-Term or Short-Term Firm Export Delivery Transportation Service. b) Intra-Saskatchewan Delivery Transportation Service This Service is available to a Customer for the transportation of Gas from TEP, and subsequent redelivery for consumption/end-use in Saskatchewan. This Service is available on both a Firm Service basis (Demand and Non-Demand), well as an Interruptible Service basis. In addition, Summer Use Service is available for this particular transportation Service, and Customer should consult the General Business Policies for further detail on this Service. On any Day Customer transports an amount of Gas in excess of Firm Service Contract Demand, the excess shall be transported, at the discretion of TransGas, on an Interruptible basis, charged at the applicable Interruptible rate and be subject to the applicable provisions within the Tariff related to Interruptible Service. All Firm Intra-Saskatchewan Delivery Transportation Service is Long-Term Firm Service. There is no Short-Term Firm Intra- Saskatchewan Delivery Service. III. Service Availability Delivery Transportation Service is available to a Customer subject to the Customer executing a TransGas Service Agreement and a TransGas Contract for this type of Service, and returning the same to TransGas.

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Service Specifications 3.1 Transportation

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