TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

VII. General Terms and Conditions The General Terms and Conditions of the Tariff and the provisions of the TransGas Contract for Delivery Transportation Service are applicable to this Service Specification to the extent that such Terms and Conditions and provisions are not inconsistent with this Service Specification. In the event there is a conflict between the provisions referenced herein and the terms and conditions of the TransGas Contract, TransGas and Customer agree that the provisions of the TransGas Contract shall prevail. B) Receipt I. Definitions The uppercase terms used herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to the corresponding terms in the Definitions section of the Tariff, unless otherwise defined herein. II. Description of Service Subject to the terms and conditions herein, this Service Specification provides the Customer with the ability to transport Gas from a Point of Receipt for delivery into TEP. This Receipt Transportation Service is available on a Firm or Interruptible Service basis. For Firm Service, a Customer may contract for Long-Term or Short- Term Firm Receipt Transportation Service. On any Day Customer transports in excess of the Firm Service Contract Demand, the excess shall be transported, at the discretion of TransGas on an Interruptible basis and charged at the applicable rate. Any volume of Gas transported for Customers whose receipts initiate at NIT in excess of the Firm Service Contract Demand must be done through the Customer taking out a separate Interruptible Transportation Service contract in advance. III. Service Availability Receipt Transportation Service is available to Customer subject to the Customer executing a TransGas Service Agreement and a TransGas Contract for the type of Service, and returning the same to TransGas. IV. Nomination Procedures All Customers receiving Receipt Transportation Service are required to comply with the Nomination Procedures, applicable to the type of Service, set out for Customers in the Tariff.

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Service Specifications 3.1 Transportation

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