TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

3.2 TransGas Energy Pool A) TEP Service Specification I. Definitions

The uppercase terms used herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to the corresponding terms in the Definitions section of the Tariff, unless otherwise defined herein. II. Description of Service All Customers holding valid transportation or Storage Service, or NIT to TEP Service, will also hold a valid TransGas Energy Pool Service. All Gas delivered to or from TEP must be delivered to or from Customer’s own Shipper’s Imbalance Account. Subject to the terms and conditions applicable to TransGas Energy Pool (“TEP”) Service, the Service hereunder shall consist of any one or more of the following: a) the ability of a Customer, via Nomination, to receive Gas into TEP from Customer’s contracted Point of Receipt; or b) the ability of a Customer, via Nomination, to receive Gas withdrawn from Customer’s Storage account; c) the ability of a Customer to deliver and receive Gas via a Title Transfer Nomination in TEP to and from any Customer’s Shipper’s Imbalance Account; or d) the ability of a Customer, via Nomination, to deliver Gas out of TEP to Customer’s contracted Point of Delivery. e) the ability of a Customer, via Nomination, to deliver Gas to Storage for Injection into Customer’s Storage account. f) the ability of a Customer to hold Energy imbalances within Shipper’s Imbalance Account, within tolerance prescribed by TransGas and as outlined in the General Terms and Conditions. III. Service Availability Services available in TEP are subject to the Customer complying with security requirements of TransGas, as outlined in the General Business Policy provisions of the Tariff, as well as the Customer executing and complying with the provisions of the TransGas Service Agreement and a TransGas Contract for this type of Service and obtaining TEP Service. Customer may only hold one TEP Service. IV. Common Stream Operator Provisions TransGas shall act in the capacity as Common Stream Operator for TEP. Customers shall be required to comply with provisions regarding Common Stream Gas as detailed in the Tariff. TransGas shall complete Allocations on the basis of deliveries to transport accounts leaving TEP or confirmed Nominations of Title Transfers within TEP.

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Service Specifications 3.2 TransGas Energy Pool

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