TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

-H- Handshake: means the transfer of Gas, at an interconnecting pipeline or other point of interconnection, from one upstream Person to a Person that has no service on either system, and subsequent transfer to a downstream Person. Heating Load Customer: means consumers of Gas, within Saskatchewan, designated as heating load Customers by TransGas due to the nature of that consumer’s Gas use. Heating Value: means the gross heating value of Gas expressed in MJ per Cubic Metre, produced by the complete combustion of one (1) Cubic Metre of Gas with air, at a temperature of fifteen (15) degrees Celsius and at a pressure of one hundred and one and three hundred and twenty-five thousandths (101.325) kilopascals absolute, with the Gas free of all water vapor, the products of combustion cooled to a temperature of fifteen (15) degrees Celsius, and the water formed by the combustion condensed to a liquid state.

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Business Practices Overview 1.1 Definitions

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