TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

1.4) All Storage Service Customers shall contract for Contracted Capacity. However, only Firm Storage Service Customers will contract for a Contracted Rate of Withdrawal. For Interruptible Storage Service Customers, Withdrawal is on a reasonable efforts basis only and is subject to the daily Withdrawal charge rate. High Priority Interruptible Storage Service is only offered when a TransGas Contract for Firm Storage Service has been executed and is awaiting Firm Service but the Allowable Withdrawal rights associated with the Contracted Rate of Withdrawal is not currently available. Withdrawal is on a reasonable-efforts basis only and is subject to the daily Withdrawal charge rate. 1.5) Renewal Rights For long-term Storage Service, excluding long-term Summer Use Storage Service, the term will Evergreen (YAIT) each May 1 for a further 1-year term, unless the Customer provides TransGas with written notice to alter or terminate the Storage Service sixty (60) days prior to the expiry of the current term. Any reduction of Customer’s Contracted Capacity shall be met with a proportional reduction of Customer’s Contracted Rate of Withdrawal. For long-term Summer Use Storage Service, the term will not Evergreen (YAIT) but rather the Customer will have the Right of First Refusal (RFR). [See RFR in the Tariff Definitions.] Short-term Storage Service, including Short-term Summer Use Storage Service, has No Renewal Rights (NRR) and the Customer will be required to provide TransGas with a written request for renewal of the term in accordance with the Tariff [See NRR in the Tariff Definitions.] Article 2 Injections 2.1) Customer, when not in default under the Services 1 through 4 listed in Article 1.2 herein, may make Injections of Gas into the Storage Facilities provided that: (a) All Gas injected into Storage will be received from Customer’s own Shipper Imbalance Account at TEP. (b) Subject to this Article 2, Gas shall be injected into the Storage Facilities based upon daily Nominations to be placed by Customer. Customer agrees to comply with the provisions of the Nomination Procedure respecting Injections, included in the Tariff. (c) Gas shall be delivered by Customer and accepted by TransGas on a Day-to- Day basis at a rate acceptable to TransGas. TransGas shall inject Gas into Shipper’s own Storage account, at the rate up to Customer’s Allowable Injection rights. A Customer’s allowable injection rights include Base Firm Injection rights, Seasonal Biddable Injections rights, Monthly Short-term Firm Injection rights, as outlined herein. Any Gas injected at a rate above Customer’s allowable injection rights, provided on a reasonable efforts basis, shall be subject to the terms outlined herein.

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Service Specifications 3.3 Storage

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