TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

2.3) In the event that valid Nominations exceed TransGas' current Injection capability, Nominations for Injection into Storage shall be prorated in the following manner: (a) Interruptible Service and Excess Injection Service (Priority Level IV) This is the first category of Service to be prorated. Nominated quantities shall be prorated based on the Nominating Customer's Contracted Capacity and TransGas' available Capacity. (b) High Priority Interruptible Service (Priority Level III) This is the second category of Service to be prorated. Nominated quantities shall be prorated based on the Nominating Customer's Firm Injection rights, the allocated Injection level, and TransGas' available Capacity. (c) Firm Service: Base, Biddable, and Short-Term Firm (Priority Level II) Customers who have contracted for Firm Storage Service will only be prorated in the event of a Force Majeure pursuant to Article 13 of the General Terms and Conditions. The proration will be based on Customer’s Firm Injection rights. (d) Coinciding Injections and Withdrawals (Priority Level I) Injections, which have coinciding Withdrawals on the same Day. Article 3 Withdrawals 3.1) Customer, when not in default under the Service, may request TransGas to make Withdrawals of Gas from Storage, provided that: (a) All Gas Withdrawn from Storage will be delivered into Customer’s own Shipper’s Imbalance Account at TEP. (b) Subject to Clause 2.2(c), Gas shall be Withdrawn on a Firm basis from Storage based upon daily Nominations to be placed by Customer. Customer agrees to comply with the provisions of the Nomination Procedures, respecting Withdrawals. (c) Gas shall be Withdrawn by TransGas from Storage at a rate up to Customer’s Allowable Withdrawal rights, outlined in Article 3.2 herein. TransGas shall use reasonable efforts to Withdraw Gas at a greater rate upon Customer's request to do so. However, in no event will Gas be Withdrawn from Storage on any Day that exceeds the Customer's Inventory at the beginning of that Day. (d) If required (when such action is required will be determined by TransGas, acting reasonably), Gas Withdrawals from Storage shall be subject to pro rata allocation by TransGas among Customer and other Customers availing themselves of the Storage Services at the time of such Withdrawals. Prorationing of Customer's Withdrawals will be on the basis of the respective Customers’ Allowable Withdrawal rights; provided however, that TransGas may, at its sole discretion, curtail or interrupt Withdrawals on other than a pro rata basis in order to maintain Service to Heating Load Customers. (e) Withdrawal quantities are deemed to have occurred upon submission of a Withdrawal Nomination by Customer unless the Customer is informed otherwise by TransGas.

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Service Specifications 3.3 Storage

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