TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

(d) If a Customer’s Inventory falls below zero, the Customer’s Inventory Transfer Nomination(s) will be adjusted such that a zero balance is achieved. Further, the Customer will be notified of the Nomination adjustment. The Storage Service Customer receiving the Gas may exceed their Contracted Capacity only with written approval by TransGas and would be liable for the appropriate Overholding Charge. (e) Confirmation of Inventory Transfers will be returned to the Persons by the next working Day. (f) Retroactive Inventory Transfers will not be allowed. (g) Inventory Transfers out of Summer Use Storage are permitted for the period April 1 to October 31 only, unless otherwise granted at the sole discretion of TransGas for periods outside this period. Article 5 Excess Contracted Capacity 5.1) Customer shall not at any time during the Storage Period deliver to Storage an amount of Gas that, if accepted by TransGas, will result in an amount of Gas then in Storage in excess of the existing Contracted Capacity, unless Customer has first obtained in writing from TransGas the right to amend the Contracted Capacity to store such amount of additional Gas and agrees to pay to TransGas, the Monthly Capacity Charge in respect of the amended Contracted Capacity. Such requests shall be for a minimum of one Month. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there shall not on any occasion be any obligation on TransGas to make Storage available to Customer for the Storage of Gas if the Storage of such Gas will result in Customer's Inventory exceeding the Contracted Capacity. 5.2) Should Customer not obtain the consent of TransGas as requested in Clause 5.1 hereof to increase the Contracted Capacity, and should TransGas nonetheless accept an additional quantity of Gas which results in a Customer's Inventory exceeding the Contracted Capacity, Customer shall pay with respect to such additional quantity of Gas, in addition to all other charges under the Tariff, an amount equal to the Overholding Charge which is equal to the daily equivalent of the Monthly Overholding Charge Rate specified in the Tariff Rates and Charges Schedules hereto multiplied by such daily excess quantities of Gas for the period that such excess quantities of Gas remain in Storage.

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Service Specifications 3.3 Storage

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